How Solar Power Contractors Washington Can Help You Set Up a Home System

How Solar Power Contractors Washington Can Help You Set Up a Home System

You’ve decided that the time has come to invest in a residential solar energy system. This will involve more than buying some panels and connecting them to a battery unit. In order to ensure the system is set up properly, you will need help from one of the solar power contractors Washington who have experience with installing home systems. Here are some of the ways that the contractor will ensure the process is kept simple. 

Evaluating The Current Electrical System

Before making any decisions about the solar energy equipment, the contractor will inspect the electrical system that’s already in place. The goal is to identify any issues that might lead to problems once the solar array and batteries are added to the mix. This is key, since you don’t need for the wiring to fail when you’re operating the house on solar energy versus power supplied by a grid. 

In many instances, the inspection will not reveal any issues that must be resolved before the solar equipment installation. If there is some matter that requires attention, the contractor will know how to take care of it.

Defining Your Plans for Using Solar Energy

The contractor can help you select the type of solar energy equipment that will ensure it will meet your needs. This means discussing how you envision using the system. Will it serve as primarily a backup when the power grid is down? Perhaps you plan on using the system as a way to reduce dependency on the grid, meaning it will provide power on a daily basis for many needs. 

Once it’s clear how you plan on using solar energy in your home, the contractor can discuss options with you. This will include systems with certain amounts of capacity storage, designs that make it easy to switch from the grid to your stored energy, and other aspects. The point is to ensure that the system you choose meets and possibly exceeds your expectations. 

Deciding Where to Mount the Panels

With the details of the system settled, it’s time to think about the installation. One of the first points to settle is where the solar panels will reside. As any of the solar power contractors Washington will point out, there are usually several options. If the home’s roof is capable of supporting the weight, that might be an ideal location, At other times, setting up the panels at ground level on the property would be a good idea.

The location of the panels can also impact where the battery storage is located. It may be housed in a shed, a garage, or some other covered space. Ideally, the batteries should be housed in an area that is properly insulated and does not receive a lot of direct sunshine. 

And Where to Set Up the Controls

There’s also the matter of where to install the system controls. This should be an area that you can reach with relative ease. One suggestion that the contractor may make is to install them in a space you can reach without any problems if the main power sources goes out in the middle of the night. 

Keep in mind that the system can be set to activate whenever the main power source goes down for any reason. Even so, the ability to manually control the system is a good idea. 

There will be other areas that require discussion with the contractor. Plan carefully and feel free to ask questions along the way. The result will be a home solar energy system that serves you well for many years. 

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.