Reasons Your Child is Afraid of the Dentist-And How to Help Them

Reasons Your Child is Afraid of the Dentist-And How to Help Them

Over 13% of American children (aged five to 19) have dental caries which is often a result of dental anxiety.

Being afraid of the dentist is almost a rite of passage with children, whether it’s because of a bad first experience or how their parents relate to dental treatment. Perhaps your little one is terrified of going for their check-up and you want to remind them that visiting the dentist isn’t bad, but rather a privilege.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s how to stop your kid from being afraid of the dentist.

Why Children Are Afraid of the Dentist

One of the biggest reasons behind a child’s fear of dentists is a bad experience. Not all dentists are made equal and if your little one didn’t get along with them or they had a painful procedure, then they likely won’t want to return when growing up.

Another reason is parents’ perception of visiting the dentist. Children take cues from grown-ups so if they sense you’re nervous about your dental appointment, then your child may consider visiting the dentist as a scary thing.

Further, pop culture has often depicted dentists as terrifying because they cause pain. Because of this, remind your little one that it’s untrue and these professionals are here to help rather than hinder their patients.

How You Can Help Your Little One

The first step of helping your child is seeking an establishment that offers quality dental care and popping in for a visit.

Familiarize your little one with the environment by chatting to the team and meeting the dentist so your child can ask questions. This is a key way of overcoming fear as it’ll show children that there’s nothing to worry about.

Further, avoid using negative language regarding the dentist, such as “pain” or “hurt”. You must remind children that the team is protecting their patients’ teeth from cavities and help them become stronger.

Another gentle approach is reacting to going to the dentist when you’re at home. Sit your little one down and pretend you’re a dentist. Grab a mirror to show them how the professional will inspect their teeth and you can even show them real dental tools. But avoid making scary noises, like reenacting dental drills, because you’ll make matters worse.

You should also use positive reinforcement to encourage your kid to visit the dentist. But instead of candy, promise your kid a trip to the movies or a sticker.

How to Help Children Who Are Afraid Of the Dentist

Hopefully, after reading this article, your child will no longer be afraid of the dentist.

Once you understand why children are afraid of dentists, then you can help them unlearn everything they’ve thought about these professionals. You should also drop by the dental office so your kid can meet the team, avoid using negative language about dentists, and even re-enact the appointment at home. Good luck!

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.