CBSE Class 9 Science Exam: Tips and Tricks to Follow for Biology

CBSE Class 9 Science Exam: Tips and Tricks to Follow for Biology

Class 9 science is very important. It is the basis to form a strong foundation for higher classes. Science is divided into three parts: Chemistry, physics, and Biology. Students who plan to take up the medical stream in 11th and 12th have to focus on class 9 science. Biology is the main subject for medical stream students. If they start preparing from class 9, they can surely achieve their goal of becoming a doctor. 

In class 9 science there are only three chapters of Biology. Students can study Biology from the class 9 NCERT book. Students should thoroughly read all the Biology chapters from the NCERT book. The three chapters of Biology in class 9 include the cell, the tissues, and the diversity in living organisms. 

Tips to follow for studying biology

Students can follow the given tips for studying Biology for class 9:

  • Students should remember the divisions and phylum. They should learn the characteristics of different phylum and examples of each. They can make flow charts for learning the divisions and characteristics of each phylum. 
  • Classification of the tissues is important. Students should memorize the characteristic features of different tissues, function, and their location in the body. 
  • In cells, students should know about the different cell organelles. They should know the importance and function of different cell organelles. 
  • Students should know the important terms and definitions in Biology. They should know the keywords that are important from the exam point of view. Some keywords are important to use in the answers for making them relevant and explainable. 
  • Students can watch videos on the internet for the biology chapters. For memorizing the scientific names, students can make acronyms so that it becomes easy to learn. 
  • Diagrams are very important for studying biology. Students will get one or two questions based on diagrams. Therefore, students should practice all the diagrams properly. This will help to improve overall marks. Students should practice labeling all diagrams. 
  • Students should practice sample papers of class 9 Biology. After finishing the NCERT book, students can practice previous year’s papers. Practicing sample papers can give an idea about the important topics. Many times questions are repeated and this will greatly help them to score good marks. 

Chapter-wise tricks for studying class 9 Biology

Students can follow the given tricks for studying different chapters of Biology in class 9:

The first Biology chapter is The Fundamental unit of life. In this chapter, students will study human cells. They have to focus on the structure of the cell and its different parts. They also have to learn the functions and importance of different parts of the cell. 

The second biology chapter is on Tissues. In this chapter, students will learn about the different types of tissues. They have to understand the classification of tissues and their functions. 

The third chapter of class 9 Biology is Diversity in living organisms. It includes the classification of different species of animals present in the world. Students should focus on the names, characteristics, and division of different animal groups. 

Other tips to follow for Biology

Students need to understand the basic concepts of biology. They have to read the biology chapters consistently for proper understanding. They can use the following strategies for studying biology:

Biology is a deep subject and it needs proper explanation and understanding. Students should read the textbook before coming to the class. They should revise the previous lecture before attending the class. It will help students to get more knowledge and understanding of the topic. They can also make short notes in the class and can write important points for a quick revision during the exams. Listening attentively to the teacher in the class is very important as it helps students to gain proper information about the topic. 

Students should finish the exercises given at the back of each chapter after reading the chapter. This will enhance their knowledge and will make sure that they have understood the chapter. If they do not find solutions for any chapter, they can refer to Vedantu ncert class 9 science book solutions on the internet. 

Students should understand the basic concepts before going into the deeper knowledge. For example, you can understand the functions of cell organelles only if you know their structure and placement in the cell. Thus, students should study each biological concept thoroughly before going into the detail of the topic. 

Students can learn biology by making flow charts. They can make easy to understand and memorize flow charts for complex processes. They can make their flow charts in the notebook. This will help to save time during the exams and will also help them to get good marks in biology. 

If students want to score good marks in biology, they have to learn the terms. Students should understand the terms and their explanations. Students can break the long words into parts to understand their meanings. 

Students can make flashcards for effective learning of Biology. They can write the terms on one side and definitions on the other side. This will help in easy learning. 

Students should study Biology in groups. They can learn more when they teach each other. They can discuss a particular topic and can ask questions to each other. This helps in better understanding. Students can revise their topics by discussing in groups with each other. 

Lab work is important for learning biology. Students should not miss their lab classes. In the labs, they can see the real structures and can remember the characteristic by looking at the things in reality. 

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Students should try to use their resources for gaining as much information as they can. If they are not able to understand any particular topic, they can search Google. They can watch online videos for an easy understanding of the topic. 

Thus, students can use the above tips for studying class 9 Biology. Using proper tips and strategies can help students to achieve their goal of achieving 100% marks in class 9 science. 

Marisa Lascala

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