How to Hire an Electrician: A Quick Guide for Homeowners

How to Hire an Electrician: A Quick Guide for Homeowners

Did you know that there are only around 625 000 electricians employed in the United States? And by 2024 there will only be 715 000? These figures how electricians are in short supply and finding one to hire for your home might not be as simple as you think it would be.

If you have to hire an electrician for your home, there are several things you need to do. This is how to find the right person for the job.

Word of Mouth

Even in today’s world of the internet, the best way to find a suitable person is by word of mouth. Asking your friends and family for a list of names and if they were happy with the work provided, chances are very good that the electrician will be professional and get the job done at the right price.

Remember, the skills of the electrician are the most important factor and without the right skills you can land up with unnecessary power outages.

Search Your Local Classifieds

Yes, classifieds still do exist and lots of older, more experienced electricians will use them as a method of advertising. Doing your homework and searching through them won’t be a bad idea as usually these electricians have years of experience and can provide the best services.

Background Check

Digging into an electrician or electrical firm’s past isn’t always a bad idea and should be done. Most of the time, the past will be a clear indicator if the company is trustworthy, does correct work, and is reliable. It is also a good way to check into the skills and experience of the technicians.

Checking the License Before You Hire an Electrician

Before you make a final decision on who to hire, one of the first things you’ll need to check is if the person is licensed by the correct authorities or not. Being licensed means you can be assured that the person has had the correct training and more importantly is up to date with the newest rules and regulations.

Get a Few Quotes

Before you hire an electrician make sure you get a minimum of three quotes beforehand. Even if you don’t intend to go with the other two contractors it is a good way to get an indication of how much the job should cost and whether they are trying to rip you off or not. 

Remember that the cheapest price isn’t always the best option and rather look for the middle ground of the three quotes.

Proof of Insurance

Always ask if the electrician is insured. If they aren’t then you could be reliable for medical expenses if they get injured on your property. Checking beforehand can save you grief in the long run.

Don’t Be Left in the Dark

Taking your time and listening to your instincts will point you in the right direction when it’s time to hire an electrician. The whole process doesn’t need to take up all your precious time and by following these simple steps you’ll have your issue sorted in no time.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.