A Look into The World of Disability Accommodation And Its Funding

A Look into The World of Disability Accommodation And Its Funding

If you have a disability or know somebody close to you then you may have seen the following name flying around from time to time “Specialist Disability Accommodation” or, (SDA), but what does it mean? Without further ado, let’s take a look;

What is the SDA?

SDA is a type of housing meant to allow qualified National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants to obtain the help they need to live in the community while also improving the delivery of their support. Participants who have a severe functional disability or have a high level of assistance are eligible for SDA funding. Usually, SDA money is intended to cover the capital (bricks and mortar) costs of the housing and to encourage investment in high-quality SDA dwellings, not for one-on-one assistance.

Providers of SDA services will have to come up with new and inventive ways to address the different demands of participants. SDA houses will diversify as the market grows, moving away from group homes with shared in-home assistance, and toward newer, smaller dwellings with creative support models for people that meet the necessary requirements.

Obtaining financing for Specialized Disability Accommodation

In accordance with the NDIS (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Rules and regulations, the NDIA determines whether a person is qualified for SDA based upon a set of criteria that they stipulate, you can learn more by searching PROVIDERplus specialist disability accommodation into your Internet browser. When a participant is eligible for SDA, the NDIA will grant financing to that participant, The NDIS then takes into account the participant’s aims and preferences when determining the amount of SDA funding, an example of the requirements can be seen below;

  • Location, which is determined by both the goals and the needs of the participant, must also represent good value for money.
  • Dwelling type, which is determined by both the goals and needs of the participant to achieve those goals;
  • Design category, which is determined by the participant’s support needs;

If the applicant is successful then the money can then be used to find a place to live that fulfils the participant’s objectives as well as their support needs, it almost sounds as easy as buying a new pair of running shoes! SDA funding is then given to a person rather than a location, and the individual can move from one location to another.

Assistance is available

Contact a Boosting the Local Care Workforce Regional Coordinator for targeted support and assistance in identifying opportunities in your region. Learn more about SDA, how to build and manage SDA, how to finance a build, and how to connect with services by visiting the Get Building SDA Knowledge Hub.

Through the Sector Development Fund, the Australian Government helped the Summer Foundation create a toolkit for providers transitioning to SDA delivery (separating services and accommodation). The NDIA Specialist Disability Accommodation Provider and Investor Brief has more information about SDA eligibility and funding, SDA service, and how to communicate with participants.

Under the SDA, how providers are compensated.

The provider can claim against a participant’s NDIS SDA payment when they move into a residence that has been enrolled as SDA. Depending on the type of home, different SDA price limits are defined on their website including the limits based on each type of applicant, take a look if you are interested to find out more and, perhaps even join them.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com