How Does Caffeine Impact College Students?

How Does Caffeine Impact College Students?

Caffeine consumption is really high across all population groups, and coffee is the main culprit there. While multiple studies point to a number of health benefits from caffeine consumption, they also show that it is not absolutely and exclusively beneficial.

Research supported by the University of Kentucky explored the benefits and adverse effects of caffeine consumption among freshmen students in the U.S. It found that, at the backdrop of a dramatic increase in caffeine consumption, 83% of the surveyed students reported having at least one sign or symptom of caffeine intoxication in the past, while 51% reported having at least one sign or symptom of caffeine withdrawal.

Let’s take a look at the evidence-based impacts of caffeine consumption on the lives of students.

· Impact on health

Caffeine consumption can be a blight or boon when it comes to its impact on student’s health. It really depends on the level of consumption. If you take caffeinated drinks in moderate amounts, you might actually have lots of benefits. They can reduce your stress levels and stimulate your cognitive functions.

In addition, caffeine is a great boost to your energy. This matters a lot to college students who need to juggle multiple responsibilities, priorities, and competing demands on a daily basis. Recurring college assignments can sap a lot of their energy. To hold the line, many of them develop a habit of consuming coffee or energy drinks regularly to keep up their spirits.

If you consume excessive amounts of caffeine throughout the day, you are likely to make caffeine consumption work against you and your objectives. Binge consumption may lead to hypertension, gastrointestinal complications, and insomnia. Those who mix caffeine with alcohol risk inflicting grave health risks.

The above is not intended to say that caffeine is not detrimental to your health by default. As with everything else in life, the key point is about striking a good balance. If you are able to control your caffeine intake, you are likely to be on the winning side.

· Impact on studies

Proceeding from the above, the impact of caffeine on college studies will vary on a case-by-case basis. Some students feel they get more productive after a large cup of latte or cappuccino. Others are convinced that they can’t complete their essays without several cups of double espresso.

This should resonate with college students looking for the best essay writing service to complete their college assignments. They are the ones who often need an extra boost in their step.

However, there are others who believe that caffeine consumption affects their academic performance due to recurrent mood swings. While their ability to concentrate is amped up immediately after caffeine intake, it might swiftly plummet once caffeine levels go down. Importantly, many students can suffer from caffeine withdrawal, which is accompanied by feelings of fatigue, disinterest, and negligence.

· Impact on finances

Some students may not realize this, but heavy coffee drinking and excessive use of energy drinks can be rather expensive. This is not to mean that they are costing you a fortune, but if you take several cups of coffee a day and keep drinking a few cans of energy drinks, it could add up to a significant amount over a year.

Make sure you keep these expenses under control. Cut down on energy drinks. Compared to coffee, they don’t have any clear health benefits other than a short-lived spike in your energy level. Not only that, they are usually packed with sugar – a silent killer, that is.

Try to prepare coffee at home instead of getting your daily dosage at cafes and restaurants. Don’t drink coffee in the evening and replace it with lots of water, the health benefits of which are well-known.

Staying Right As Rain

The impact of caffeine can be both positive and negative depending on the level and time of consumption. When taken in moderate amounts, caffeinated drinks can have a beneficial impact on your energy levels, overall health, and cognitive skills. College students normally enjoy a cup of two of good-quality coffee to sharpen their focus and manage their college assignments effectively.

On the downside, when you go over the limit, you risk inflicting unnecessary complications related to your health and college studies. Increased blood pressure, broken sleep patterns, and a resulting sense of drowsiness are the side effects you will have to face.

Make sure you consume caffeine in moderation to enjoy the benefits while reducing or eliminating the undesirable effects.

Eric Wyatt is a long-time advocate of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. He is partnering with a number of health and wellness websites to post regular blogs on the impact of various foods and drinks on students’ health and college performance. Follow Eric to find out what research has to say about these.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.