10 Tips for Parents with Children who have Cerebral Palsy

10 Tips for Parents with Children who have Cerebral Palsy

Raising a child with Cerebral Palsy comes with its own set of challenges that could dismantle the resilience of any parent. They face multiple problems due to a lack of awareness regarding this condition. Moreover, it is severely painful to see your child treated differently and scrutinized by judgmental eyes. It is important for parents to support their affected child not just financially but also emotionally. Their love and strength could mean more than the world to a child with cerebral palsy. It will ease the pain and suffering from which the child is going through.

Most of the parents do not realize that cerebral palsy could result from a trauma or injury during childbirth. It is pertinent to take full care of the mother before, after, and during childbirth to avoid any kind of harm that might come the newborn’s way. Many a time, it is the negligence of medical staff during childbirth that results in cerebral palsy.

There is nothing to worry about if parents have been taking the right guidance from the very beginning and following steps to treat their child with utmost care and love.

It becomes difficult for parents to look after a child with this condition if they have not heard about it before. Therefore, here is a brief yet thorough Cerebral Palsy Guide for parents to follow and share in your social circle to spread the much-needed awareness and tips.

  • Stay Involved

Your child might be receiving the best care through health providers, doctors, and therapists. However, until and unless you won’t be physically and emotionally involved in their life, nothing would make a difference. If doctors suggest treatments and medicines, it is necessary for parents to be aware of the consequences and know very well if the child could even bear it. This helps them stay close and protects the child from any harm.

  • Be the therapist yourself

Therapy is not time-restricted. You don’t have to wait for the therapist all the time. Rather use therapy as an excuse to get closer to your child because they would eventually feel more loved. You can learn basic exercises from any Cerebral Palsy Guide and help your child with stretching and maintaining balance. This is also helpful if the child has any muscle spasms and the therapist isn’t around.

  • Help them Move

Cerebral Palsy is not the end of the world, and it surely does not mean that a child cannot move his/her muscles. If they cannot play basic sports like other kids, indulge them in activities involving movement. This may take some time, but you can always teach them new skills that involve muscle movement. It would eventually strengthen their muscles and reduce muscle spasms.

  • Don’t hamper their growth

Don’t confine your child to the house. Let them see the world and enjoy trips to museums, parks, etc. If your child is interested in music or games, you must hear good music with them and play different games. It will boost their self-esteem and help them learn new skills. There are come credible institutions that can help children with special needs. These special schools have a different learning curriculum that is perfectly suited for children. If you are looking for a special needs schools in Singapore, please click on the link.

  • No compromise on Diet

Parents are strictly advised to be in charge of their child’s diet. Choose healthy food items that help in strengthening bones and muscles. Some children have weaker bones, and doctors usually prescribe calcium supplements and a special diet. Make sure that you follow the diet religiously and don’t compromise on it.

  • Be Optimistic

Parents often lose hope and feel bad that their child won’t live a life like others. Such thoughts can affect their mental health as well as the confidence of the child. Everyone is unique in their ways; you only have to see the brighter side of the picture. If you stay optimistic, your child will follow a similar route; otherwise, they won’t survive in this world.

  • Interact with other parents

Interacting with parents who have children with cerebral palsy can help you in several ways. You can share your concerns and problems. It works as a catharsis, and in times of emergency, such parents are always there for help. They can even look after your children in your absence.

  • Communication is the Key

Communicate with your child and allow them to share their experiences at school or anywhere else without any restraint. If they want to share stories or ask questions, don’t restrict them at all. In this way, children will share things they might be scared about, and communication would ward off their fears. This would be the perfect beginning of a healthy relationship and close bonding.

  • Explore their identity

Cerebral Palsy is not your child’s identity. Do not restrict their individuality to this condition. This is the most important tip that parents must follow. Explore your child’s talents and skills. Learn new things with them and if they wish to become a musician or a painter, let them be. This condition won’t stop them from being who they are.

  • Don’t isolate them

Rejections come in the way of everyone’s life. If someone is not good with your child, you need not stress enough and make them like your child. If they can’t understand, it’s their problem. But this does not mean that you have to isolate your child from the rest of the world. Let them meet people and make a bond with them. It will help them create a social circle upon which they can rely.

Final Words

Remember that none of the Cerebral Palsy Guide would help you until and unless you accept that this condition is not the end of life for your child. Of course, you need to muster immense courage, but don’t let the world keep you off track. You have to set an example and show them that this condition or your child is not a burden for you. Set great examples for society to follow and get inspired from.

Hope this article be of great help to you in understanding how to interact with your child who is suffering from cerebral palsy.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com