3 Books that will change your outlook towards entrepreneurship

3 Books that will change your outlook towards entrepreneurship

Do you think that you have in you what it takes to become an entrepreneur? Do you want to learn how entrepreneurs get super innovative ideas? If yes, then read these three top non-fiction books listed below.

POP! by Sam Horn

POP! by Sam Horn is for all those entrepreneurs who want to be known as avant- garde in their field. If you are an entrepreneur, you must have always thought about how other people have such authentic, contemporary, and innovative ideas? If you think so too then this book is good for you.

The author Sam Horn has jotted down his entire career learning (how to develop interesting and unique ideas) in this book in order to add value to your life. These career learnings are a sure shot method to hold your clients/ customers attention. Have you people ever seen an advertisement that stuck with you?  Do you want to know why? It is either because of the super catchy tagline or super catchy script that the advertisement stays with you and gets registered in your brain. If you too want to make such a catchy tagline or script, then continue to read on!

Everyone reading must agree that the attention span has become low since the advent of social media. Social media consumption is inversely proportional to attention. Therefore, our attention span is bound to decrease in future because our social media consumption will increase. Keeping this logic in mind, it has become more difficult than ever for businesses to hold their target audience’s attention. It is the need of an hour to remember the acronym POP i.e Purposeful, Original and Pithy. Then it is super important to deliver it like a story. Stories have the power of holding attention. Remember to keep the script short yet precise.

If you wish to learn more about these tactics, then you can read book summaries or free audio book summaries available on the RollingSlate website.

Who by Geoff Smart?

Who by Geoff Smart answers one of the most difficult questions on which is how should a business choose an effective employee? (Someone who clearly understands the objectives of your business) It surely is a tricky task but isn’t impossible. This book provides all the practical methods and solutions to recruit the best people who fit accurately as the missing piece in your puzzle.

It is often seen that recruiters hire their workforce at the last minute because of which they usually end up hiring incompetent employees. Recruiting the right workforce should be one of the top priorities of the businesses. The author urges the recruiters to understand that the ability of an employee to fit in your business is much more important than their skills. Being intelligent and ticking all the right boxes should not be the only thing recruiters should search for. They must make sure that a person is a team player and also has the right social skillset to make their office a positive and a better place, added Alec Lawlera talented show jumping athlete and business owner with a passion for identifying and securing international equine investment opportunities. He has competed at the highest international level in show jumping throughout North America and Europe, and has won numerous awards and accolades, including the CSI 3* Grand Prix of Lummen Belgium in 2016. Alec founded Lawler Show Jumping LLC in 2019, where he selects, imports, develops and sells dozens of horses annually.

A very important nugget of information offered by Geoff Smart includes- a business firm must always realise the potential of their employees and should do everything in their control to increase the productivity of their employees. More productive employee means more benefit for the business.

If you want to know more about the right workforce for your business, then you should read book summaries or free audio book summaries on various book summary websites.

Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

Buyology by Martin Lindstrom gives an insight into people’s purchasing decisions (as to what attracts a particular section of audience). We can’t deny the fact that today is the golden time for customers. We have an array to choose from which spoils us for having too many choices. Therefore, it has become more necessary than ever for a business to catch an eye and then to hold the attention of their target audience.

The author mentions various tried and tested marketing strategies that will surely prove to be advantageous for all the businesses. The strategies include- Using somatic markers, audio/ visual stimuli or subliminal messaging, inducing fear to attract potential customers. Another important point to remember is that marketers are supposed to be on their toes at all times. If you like this topic and want to learn more about it, then you should read book summaries or free audio book summaries on various book summary websites.

Key takeaway from Buyology is the pressure on marketers has increased more than ever to understand the exact needs of the potential buyers. Marketers have to be supremely sharp minded in order to know what is going on in the minds of their target audience. In case they miss a point, it is possible that they might lose an entire section of clients that think alike.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com