3 Tips for Increasing Your Property Value

3 Tips for Increasing Your Property Value

Average U.S. house prices are 40% higher than they were at their lowest point in 2012 and 4% higher than their previous peak. The question of whether or not a “price correction” (where the average house price drops) will happen is growing more pertinent as 2022 progresses.

If this current seller’s market suddenly turns into a buyer’s market then property owners looking to sell should sell as soon as possible.

Moreover, you’ll want to get as much money as you can if you do sell your property. To that end, here are three tips that can help you raise your property’s value.

  1. Complete and Refurbish Your Property

If you’re looking to raise the property value of a house that has unfinished sections or areas that need maintenance then you should start with these foundational tasks. Completing building projects to add square footage is a must if you want to list your property for a higher price. Applying a fresh coat of paint, fixing or replacing old doors and windows, and refreshing the roofing are other basic ways to increase property value before selling a property.

Sometimes an inherited property can have these problems. If renovations are a hassle but you do want to sell there are things you can do, read more here.

  1. Technological Upgrades

Trendy, high-tech fixtures are becoming more demanded in the modern housing market as they make life easier and cheaper in the long run. The basics are installing LED fixtures if you still have sockets for older bulbs and running a fiber optic connection into the house if you haven’t already.

These simple changes can help lower the house’s energy use and give new tenants access to fast internet.

One step above the basics is installing a solar system. Buyers find these systems attractive because they save huge amounts in electric bills and buttress the house against rolling blackouts. This counts double in hot, sunny areas where residents like to use air conditioning in the summer.

  1. Attractive Landscaping

A house’s exterior is also an important factor in attracting wealthy buyers. Having your gardens well tended will give your property an advantage over properties with average (or less than average) landscaping in both initial interest and negotiation potential.

Make sure your lawns are even and not patchy (fill in the holes) and prune (or remove) trees that are growing out of control. Making sure your flower beds look good and getting rid of weeds are also essentials. If this kind of thing isn’t in your wheelhouse then you can hire a gardener or landscaping service to help.

Prepare Your Property for Selling Today

If you own property and are looking to sell it, you can raise the value of your property by a lot depending on how much you’re willing to work and invest.

It could be as simple as finishing landscaping and renovations, or you could go the extra mile and give the house a high-tech upgrade. Right now selling property is the better part of the financial deal than buying property is and you might not want to wait for that to change.

Housing market trends aren’t the only trends we know about. Our blog is filled with the latest news about law, finance, business, and more. Go check out our blog today and find out about ways to add value to other aspects of your life.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com