4 Steps to Compress PDFs and Easily Send Your Files

4 Steps to Compress PDFs and Easily Send Your Files

Technology empowers us to be more capable of doing things, whether good or bad. Though we can conduct secure file sharing online, others similarly have the power to have unauthorized access to them. The confidentiality of our data is something that we would always be concerned about.

When you plan to share files, the file format that fits the best is the portable document format or PDF. It has many features that make it suitable for online sharing, such as password protection and document formatting preservation. This way, you can rest assured that what you attached in your email can be sent securely to your recipient.

PDF is the most secure file format

PDF is the shorter term for portable document format. It is famous for retaining formatting across computers. You might’ve encountered this term when you hear others looking for ways to convert or compress PDF. Converting files to this format is a preference for many in a professional environment.

Among all the other file types that you can use, PDF is perhaps the most secure due to its capability to be password encrypted. Yes, you’ve read that right. It turns out that you can set a password on your PDF files just like how you put a password for your phone. There are two types of PDF passwords that you can impose.

The first one is the user password which has the essential function of opening the file. You can think of it as your door keys that you use to enter your house. The other type is the master password that allows you to impose several restrictions on what others can do to your file. For example, you can disallow printing, editing, copying, and many more functions.

This feature of PDFs made it a preferred file type in many companies to prevent information leaks and security breaches. After all, these data can be either their boon or bane, depending on various circumstances. Now that you know why most people use portable document format, let’s now discuss some common problems in file sharing.

File sharing problems due to size

As we’ve mentioned earlier, PDFs are a preference in file sharing. But, there are also many problems with online file transfers that may be due to file size. Perhaps, there are delays or file corruption that occurs midway. Let’s take a look with greater detail on that below!

Restrictions on file size

One of the most common issues that give people a headache is the file size cap. As we all know, email and other communication tools have a predetermined restriction on how many bytes can be supported. For instance, a prompt may pop out on your screen saying that the file size of your attachment exceeds the limit.

This restriction can cause delays in relaying the information. Especially if the sender doesn’t have the means to make the file fit in the email, it might pose a severe problem. Delays in operations may cause adverse outcomes in business and school requirements.

Failed uploads

Let’s say that you can now upload huge files on your drive or a file-sharing tool. Another problem that you have to be ready for is the possibility of failed uploads. Connection timeouts often occur with uploading large PDFs. You can be stuck in a tedious process of repeatedly attempting to upload the file.

File corruption

Large files are easily corrupted and damaged when uploading online. The long waiting time and the risk of damage can frustrate you. If this happens, you would have to attempt over and over again to upload a working PDF. Otherwise, you would be sending an inoperable file and would cause dissatisfaction and problems in work.

How do I reduce the file size of my PDFs?

There are many approaches to size reduction. For example, you can split your PDFs into many parts and attach them to your email one by one. A more manageable solution is to compress your PDF. Compressing means reducing the file size by recreating it using a smaller resolution.

Using fewer pixels will undoubtedly optimize your PDF into a suitable and shareable file size. Of course, you might think that the quality might be compromised when you do this method. Fortunately, you can preserve the quality of your file using the Compress PDF tool by GogoPDF.

Compress your PDFs with GogoPDF

Truth be told, a single look on the web can let you have a wide array of tools to choose from. They can range from paid software applications to free online web services like GogoPDF. We recommend using this tool for a variety of reasons. GogoPDF operates on tight security and fast PDF compressions while being 100% free to use.

You can access this tool just by going online and going to its website. It works on any device, so even if you are away from your computer, you can still access it with your phone. There are no software installations required as every process occurs on the cloud securely. Read the short guide below to use the Compress PDF tool by GogoPDF!

  1. Upload your PDF to the tool.
  2. GogoPDF automatically compresses your file.
  3. Wait for the compression to finish.
  4. Save and attach to your email, and send!

Now, you can powerfully attach your files to your email without worrying about the problems brought about by huge file sizes. The delays that you’ve suffered before are now absent, and you can be more productive in your work.

Final thoughts

Security is indeed a thing that will never be out of the concern of many. You can amend this issue by opting to use password-protected PDFs as attachments to ensure that your data remains confidential. There might be issues with the file size, but it can be solved easily by compressing your PDF files before sending them. You can do this by looking for online PDF compressor tools like GogoPDF. Go grab your files now, compress them, and click send!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com