5 Animation Styles to Consider for Business Videos

5 Animation Styles to Consider for Business Videos

Video can play many roles in your business, whether that be as a training tool, marketing, or informational purposes. Depending on what you need to convey, the animation may be the more interesting route to take for your business video. With many dynamic animation styles to choose from to get your point across, the animation is a great way to communicate both inside your business and outside of it.

Which animation style is right for you? That will depend on what sort of tone you want to convey with your video. Read on for five animation styles you should be considering for your corporate video production!

  1. Silhouette Animation

If you want to showcase a brand and make it pop, then you might want to consider silhouette animation. In this style, characters fade into the background, displayed only as silhouettes against the background. This makes it easy for your product or logo to stand out among the simplified shapes of the rest of the objects in the video.

  1. Mechanical 3D Animation

Mechanical 3D animation is a great way to show how a product works in a step-by-step process. Mechanical 3D animation can create a product video that breaks your product or process down into phases that can then be labeled and broken out for further demonstrations. If your company works in an industry that relies heavily on blueprints, then you might want to try out mechanical 3D animation!

  1. Paper Cutouts

A form of stop-motion animation, paper cutout animation makes use of simple, flat characters that allow you to bring the narrative to the focal point. You can use paper, card stock, or stiff fabric to create your characters and move them about the stage. Again, the narrative itself is the point with this style of animation, so it works best when you have a story to tell!

  1. Cartoon Animation

Cartoon animation is hands-down the most common animation style used, as you can bring anything to life using cartoon animation. Video animation services use all types of character archetypes with this animation style and can tell whatever story you need to tell. Cartoon animation is dynamic and powerful and is utilized by the largest video production companies in the world.

  1. Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is an animation style that can communicate complex, often boring topics straightforwardly. As it is simple graphics, often hand-drawn on a white background, such as a whiteboard. It works well for summarizing educational information or presenting a list of features for a software product.

Whiteboard animation is also great when you need to layout company policy. It works because of its simplicity as an animation style. Anything more complex, and the message will get lost in the animation.

Animation Styles

These five animation styles are a great place to start exploring animation for your corporate video production. Each style has a niche where it shines, and in the case of cartoon animation, is widely used across many industries. Your animated corporate video production will get your message across perfectly!

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com