5 Educational Benefits of Using Digital Signage in Schools
With around one-third of all high school students feeling disengaged, you may want to try a new strategy at school. Turning to digital resources is an easy way to build back your audience. From event advertising to in-class activities, stunning visuals can work wonders!
Read on to learn the 5 educational benefits of using digital signage in schools.
1.Keep Students Engaged in Learning
While slide projectors used to dominate in the education industry, that shouldn’t be the case now. Avoid using antiquated technology and invest in digital student resources. When you add digital signage to your classrooms, you can integrate both movie clips and still images into multi-media presentations.
Plus, students are used to staring at screens. They’ll appreciate engaging presentations packed with color and text. And by adding more digital components, teachers can avoid falling into a rut of relying on lectures.
2.Maintain a Safer Campus With Digital Signage
In the event of a campus emergency, you want to get out lifesaving information as quickly as possible. If you have digital signs up in your hallways or classrooms, you’ll be able to send out alerts from a central control center.
If there’s bad winter weather coming, you can warn students or activate an early dismissal. Likewise, if the school needs to go into lockdown, you can share an alert. And you can offer explicit instructions or contact information.
3.Share Event Advertising
Is there a holiday concert on the horizon? Or is there a basketball rivalry game that students would want to know about? When you invest in digital signage for schools, you can use them for event advertising.
Place digital signs in your library or cafeteria. These are central gathering points, and students can learn about upcoming events while eating a sandwich. Advertise lunch menus for the coming day, too, so students can determine whether to bring their lunch or not!
4.Offer a Better Meeting Experience
When its’s time to host faculty or staff meetings, you may struggle to keep your employees engaged. After all, it’s not just the students whose minds start to wander! With 65% of people identifying as visual learners, introducing visuals will be a welcome addition to meetings.
Use digital screens to share data, graphs, and other information that can get lost in a printed packet. Share budget projections and curriculum updates. And project a calendar so employees can see the big picture for the remainder of the school year.
5.Create a New Revenue Stream
Yes, you can even generate revenue by permitting businesses to advertise through digital signs. Especially if you’re serving a demographic of teens or college students, businesses will be interested.
You can then channel that income into more educational resources for students. For instance, you may be able to sponsor a speaker or invest in new supplies.
Under the Educational Benefits of Digital Signs
The educational benefits of using digital signs include building more awareness of campus events. Digital signs enable the use of graphics and other visual icons that will spark more interest in meetings or classrooms. And you’ll be able to share critical information more quickly.
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