5 Hidden Features on Instagram You’ve Never Seen Before

5 Hidden Features on Instagram You’ve Never Seen Before

Despite Instagram being one of the most popular social media platforms, there are hidden features you may not know exist.

There are tricks to get more likes on your posts, more followers, and ways to make your account look better. In this blog post, we will show you five hidden features that can help improve your Instagram experience.

  1. You Can Organize Saved Posts in Collections

The first feature is collections where users can organize saved posts into different categories by using tags or filters (e.g., #travel).

To create a collection go into the “Saved” tab then click edit in the top right corner of each image or video that you would like to add to a new collection.

Once you’re finished, click “Next” and then add a title for your collection. You can also choose to make this collection public or private by clicking on the appropriate option at the top of your screen.

  1. You Can Multiple Pictures in One Post

The next hidden feature is the ability to post multiple pictures and videos in one post.

To do this, simply select images or videos from your gallery then click “Next.” You will notice that you can upload up to ten posts at a time.

If you want to add more than ten posts into your gallery, there’s an option for it under “Options”.

You can choose how many images per row (e.g., five) and whether they should be square or landscape/portrait orientation by clicking on them before uploading them.

  1. Receive Notifications When Others Make New Posts or Tag You

The next hidden feature is the ability to receive notifications when other users make new posts or tag you.

To enable this option, go into your settings and select “Push Notification” under “Notification Settings.” Then click on the button that says “Turn On Post Notifications”.

From now on, whenever someone tags you in a post or makes a new one that will appear at the top of your page. This feature can be particularly useful if another user takes down their account because it won’t show up as an @name mention anymore.

  1. Manage Your Filters and Effects

The hidden feature we will discuss next is the ability to manage your filters and effects.

To do this, go into your “Photo” or “Video” tab then click on the photo you want to edit. Then select a filter that fits what you are looking for (e.g., #winter).

After doing so, feel free to make any other changes such as brightness, contrast, etc.

You can also choose whether it should be square or landscape/portrait orientation by clicking on an icon before uploading it which can help if your picture needs to fit in certain dimensions (i.e., Instagram story).

  1. Edit Pictures Without Posting Them

The hidden feature on Instagram dark mode that we will be discussing next is the ability to edit pictures without posting them.

To do this, go into your gallery and select a photo you want to edit by clicking on it once. Then click “Next” at the bottom of your screen under “Edit Photos.”

Ready to Use These Hidden Features?

As you can see, you can use all of these hidden features to enhance your profile. To learn more about this subject, continue reading our blog for more helpful articles.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com