5 New Year Resolutions to Start Considering Now

5 New Year Resolutions to Start Considering Now

Did you know that only 8% of Americans who make a resolution for the New Year stick to it throughout the year? In fact, 80% of Americans fail by the start of February.
It’s never too early to start thinking of New Year resolutions for 2022, but how can you be sure to keep them this time? The key to keeping a resolution is making sure it’s obtainable.
Learn five ideas for New Year’s resolutions here.

  1. Drink More Water

Do you know how much water you need per day? Everyone’s body is different so figuring out how much water you should be drinking is the first step of this resolution.

If you drink a lot of coffee or soda, replace those drinks with water. If you’re an avid drinker of liquids other than water, try getting the number down to one per day.

Buying a nice water bottle that you’ll enjoy drinking out of can help you stay motivated throughout the year.

  1. Try Something New Each Week

New Year resolutions don’t mean you have to choose one thing and stick to it. Instead, try something new each week if possible.

For example, if you love cooking or just want to start eating more, challenge yourself to a new recipe once a week.

If you’re looking for a bigger change, you don’t have to stick to food. Try changing your hair one week and signing up for a cycling class the next.

If once a week sounds like too much work, start small by trying something new each month instead.

  1. Try a Spending Fast

The best New Year resolution for those looking to save more money is trying a spending fast. Yes, it’s just what it sounds like!

Because common new year resolutions involve switching up budgets, testing this out is a no-brainer for many.

Of course, it’s impossible to stop spending altogether so pick something from your budget that you don’t need. You’ll be surprised about how much you can save by not eating out or avoiding trips to Starbucks.

  1. Work Out to Feel Good

Learning how to stick with a New Year’s resolution has a lot to do with why you decided to try out a resolution.

Another one of the common New Year resolution ideas is to work out more. However, a lot of people want to do this to lose weight and meet an unobtainable body goal.

Working out is a great resolution, but work out to feel better not to be thinner. You can learn more about feeling good with this health and wellness blog.

  1. Read More Books

In the age of binge-watching television shows, many have forgotten the glory of books. Reading is a fun activity that helps your brain, reduces stress, and can improve concentration and memory.

Try reading a book once a month. If you’re a quick reader, set a goal to meet by the end of the year.

New Year Resolutions You Should Try in 2022

2022 is a few short months away and what better way to start planning for the future than to think about New Year resolutions? Creating a New Year’s resolution or two is easy but keeping it is hard work.

These five resolution ideas are obtainable and have major lifestyle benefits. While you take the time to think about what your New Year’s resolutions will be, check out the other posts we have on our blog!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com