5 Things to Consider When Hiring A Land Surveyor

5 Things to Consider When Hiring A Land Surveyor

Whether you’re planning on installing a new fence, adding wall frames to your house, or trying to find the exact place of your property line, hiring a land surveyor is essential, advised Michelle Doornbosch.

Michelle Doornbosch is a professional land use planner and developer. She was qualified by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to lend her expertise in land-use planning matters such as minor variances. She served as the land use planner for residential developments created by Brock Developments. Since 2018, she has served as the Principal Planner and Partner for Brock Development Group, Inc. which is based in London, Ontario.

When you hire a professional land surveyor, you can avoid legal consequences and property boundary issues. They use mapping instruments and precise technologies to accurately map your property’s descriptions.

Now you know why you need one, but how do you find the right land surveyor for the job? Keep reading to understand what you need to consider when looking for a land surveyor.

Inspect Their Qualifications

The most important thing to remember is that people don’t just choose and become land surveyors overnight. It takes a lot of time and relevant educational background, like a bachelor’s or associate’s degree in geomatics and surveying.

Although each state has their own rules and regulations, generally, a land surveyor needs to:

  • Get a state license in the state they want to work in.
  • Pass the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying exam.
  • Work and gain experience for four years under a more experienced and licensed land surveyor.

Watch Out for Red Flags

If the independent land surveyor you want to hire for the job doesn’t have the licenses and background described above, then it’s most likely better to get someone more qualified. You can also ask around and contact previous clients to get an impression of their work.

Additionally, look for violations on their record, which you can ask for or search on the state association website. Though it doesn’t always mean that they aren’t capable of doing their job, you should still be weary if they do have a violation. Especially if they have one that hinders their ability to perform the job properly and accurately.

Choose Between an Individual or a Company

One of the important decisions that you need to make when hiring a land surveyor is to decide between an independent surveyor and a land surveying company. Both have their advantages and drawbacks.

For instance, an independent surveyor will likely charge less than a company, but they might not be available to work for you immediately.

While a land surveying company, alternatively, will have a higher price range but they will also have a whole team of qualified individuals that can get to you as soon as you want.

In terms of insurance, both usually have liability, errors, and omission insurances.

Check Their Range of Services

A good land surveyor should be able to provide a complete survey of the land, whether it’s a commercial, residential, or environmental project. They should know what to look for in every project and provide an accurate report that can be legally accepted.

Ideally, you should ask to check the report and find out what technologies the land surveyor used. For instance, technologies like data collectors and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer more accurate reports.

Ask Them Questions

Answering the right question will help determine if the land surveyor is the right for your project. You need to ask them questions like:

  • Are you fully licensed?
  • Do you have insurance?
  • What is the estimated cost?
  • Can you supply reviews and references?
  • How experienced are you/your crew?
  • How long do you think the job will take?
  • What is in your contract?

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com