Doesn’t matter if you are a school-going child, college guy, productivity has to be there. Get more out of the work that you perform and see the change. Irrespective of your age and the work you are performing, management has been the key for each one of you. Many students are presently struggling in gaining some kind of efficiency in the tasks that they perform.

For helping them out in increasing their productivity, here are the top 5 hacks which they should follow:

  • Always maintain a back-up of your work

No one knows when your work would get destroyed due to any unforeseen activity. Thus, you should always keep a back- of your whole work along with you. If not, you are surely going to regret it someday.

Just in case, coffee spills on your work or the pages get teared up you should have the same work with you already so that you don’t have to start it again and waste time.

  • Patience is the key

Due to hectic schedules in schools or colleges can never let students keep calm. Not staying calm is not at all going to let you focus. When you are stressed out, working in that condition would be difficult and can lead to inefficiency.

Going out for a walk, doing some exercises, meditation, Yoga, good sleep, and many other activities could be adopted for staying calm. Never start worrying on small issues, they shall pass too!

  • Prioritize Work

Is it the case that you are never able to put up the things in a particular order? This is because of the lack of basic understanding of prioritizing tasks. Segregate monthly/weekly tasks on priority basis and jot down in your weekly planner template

The tasks that need more efforts and also have to be submitted quite early must be done first. Then jump to the lesser urgent works. Whenever you start marking a ‘X’ in the front of the work you have completed, it will definitely increase your motivation.

  • Restrict social media at some extent

It has been notified that average number of students spend 9 hours of their whole day while working on social media websites and chatting with others. These activities are going to act as a vacuum for your productivity. The continual notifications popping up on your phone will never let you fully focus on the work you are performing.

So you may fix specific timing (like twice in a day for 15 minutes) for checking social media notifications and other distractions like phone notifications etc.

  • Set up your personal work station

Mess all around your desk is not at all going to let you work as per the daily routine. Textbooks piled up all around, pages left here and there and also, a stressed-up environment will affect your productivity. Take out some time in decluttering your work space and then start performing the tasks at your best.


A good number of strategies as well as planning tools such as printable calendars and templates help an individual in achieving high efficiency. When you have dedication in you, a positive mindset, and the right equipment, you can achieve your goals in no time. Perform at your best and always lookout to give out grand as well as benefitting results!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com