5 Ways to Build a Community in a Coworking Space

5 Ways to Build a Community in a Coworking Space

Working in a coworking office aims at cohesion, enables cooperation, and maintains a social connection. And whether you’re starting a business or have already established one, there’s no denying how essential these offices are for steering growth. Enabling a sense of community in coworking spaces isn’t rocket science but pretty straightforward. However, it’d help if you had a mix of wit and strategy to realize this goal. Here’s how you can build a sense of community in a coworking space.

  1. Engage Members in Making Decisions

Everyone loves taking part in decision-making, especially if it invites landmark changes in an organization. And members in a coworking space aren’t an exception either. If you oversee operations or are the business owner, ensure that every member gets their voice heard and that you take their opinions seriously. That helps create a sense of individual importance and value, a recipe for creating a sense of community.

  1. Host a Few Networking Events

Most coworking spaces in Singapore allow events on the premises. And if the area doesn’t quite allow that, you can get a separate hall for lease for your networking events. However, the conference rooms in most coworking spaces are expansive enough, which you can find out about a few of them by visiting https://www.arccspaces.com/sg-en/solutions/coworking-membership/. Networking events help members interact at more profound levels and help like-minded learn and grow. Eventually, it creates a sense of belonging and community.

  1. Establish a Member Wall

The little things you do in your coworking office matter a lot, and establishing a member wall is one. You can task the respective group members to patch up pictures of their group members on the wall and include credentials that might attract interest from other members. That makes it more straightforward to forge interactions since members can pair up with individuals they feel they can learn better from. When members interact, it creates a much-needed sense of belonging and community.

  1. Create Some Happy Hours

Happy hours keep members closer, allowing them to indulge in the fun together and savor the light moments. They’re usually low-budget social events, and you can theme them to give them more meaning. Besides, they don’t have to span long hours, but the few moments together, popping up drinks and enjoying cuisines can be worth your while. The happy hormones usually spar high during such moments, far from work constraints. And it’s in these moments that the sense of community ensues.

  1. Bring Down the Walls

Perhaps breaking them will work the trick if your working space has sectioned rooms separated by canvas or barring material. Let the members see each other for the most part, if not entirely. That way, they can wave each other or perhaps exchange a few gestures when bored. Unless you need to demarcate workspaces to increase work efficiency, going wall-less will help ensure a sense of community.


Creating a sense of community in a coworking space is a piece of cake, since it’s mainly a casual process. Members will interact better if let them have their space and mingle without restrictions. That makes it pretty straightforward to create a sense of understanding and community.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com