5 Ways to Thrive In a Hybrid Workplace

5 Ways to Thrive In a Hybrid Workplace

The Pandemic paved the way for hybrid workplaces, giving employees the best of both worlds. But even with things returning to normal, the future of work is moving towards hybrid.

It not only provides greater flexibility to employees but also helps companies optimize their spaces and operating expenditure. But adapting to a new concept of workplace is not easy. It can blur the boundary between work and home, increasing stress. If you find yourself exhausted and overwhelmed in a hybrid setting, here are a few measures that you can take to make yourself more comfortable-

  • Create a Consistent Schedule

Scheduling the start and end timings for your workday are crucial, especially on days when you work remotely. A schedule will help you maintain  work-life balance, which can be challenging when you work and relax in the same vicinity.

You can be tempted to start sooner and work for long hours on your remote work days to prove your productivity at home. You might also feel tempted to arrive at the office early to get more face time or to show your commitment to the position.  But, you might end up putting in long hours every day, which could result in burnout.

Setting and maintaining a schedule around your workday will help you maintain balance, focus, and productivity. Keep a record of your accomplishments to evaluate your work later. You can prove that you are a dedicated and competent employee by working efficiently towards your objectives regardless of where you are.

  • Embrace the Change

Adapting to a hybrid workplace requires a completely different approach. Even small tasks like communicating with your colleagues are different. If you wait for the entire team’s schedules to align, you could be waiting for weeks. The best way to thrive in a hybrid workplace is to be open to embracing change.

Accept that you will no longer have a dedicated workstation or most of your meetings will be conducted over video conferencing. This small step will help you stay calm and focused as you switch between working remotely and onsite. Once you become comfortable with the workings of a hybrid workplace, you’ll become more efficient and productive.

  • Grow Your Skillset

Switching between remote and onsite work constantly requires you have a different skill set. One that is primarily digital. In a hybrid workplace, you might not always have the right person available to assist you with technical issues. Therefore, acquiring basic tech skills will help you become self-reliant and thrive in the workplace.

For example, if you are not comfortable with the video conferencing tool you use, invest some time to learn how it works. Or if you run to the IT team for every minor tech issue, learn how to resolve them yourself. Having these digital skills handy will especially help you on days you are working remotely.

  • Make the Most of Your Onsite Work Days

With everyone following a different schedule, you might not meet certain colleagues for weeks. This limits your interactions with them only to work-related meetings. Therefore, on days you work onsite, have meaningful interactions with the people you meet. 

For example, having a one-on-one conversation with your boss, engaging directly with your subordinates, meeting available team members for project updates, following up with clients or vendors, etc. You can also make it a point to be present on-site to celebrate employee birthdays or team milestones. These in-person collaborations are crucial not only for maintaining work efficiency but also for maintaining a healthy bond between team members.

  • Improve Your Communication Skills

Effective communication and accessibility are key to thriving in a hybrid workplace. How well you interact with others will determine how successful you are as a hybrid worker.  For example, when you are working from the office, instead of stopping by a colleague’s desk to share the information, post project updates on the project management platform. 

This way, everyone involved in the project will receive the update, regardless of their location.  You can also create a shared calendar to let others know whether you are working from home or office. This will help them reach you easily when required.

Final Thoughts

Making the shift from a traditional to hybrid workplace model can be challenging. But with a few simple steps like maintaining a schedule, setting healthywork life balance, and being flexible to adapt to the change will help you thrive in a hybrid environment. 

You can also leverage technology to make your hybrid workplace more accessible. WorkInSync hybrid workplace software has cutting-edge features like hot desking, desk booking, meeting room booking, parking area booking, and much more. 

Each of these features are designed to help you implement a hybrid work environment seamlessly. The hybrid workplace is here to stay. The sooner you make yourself comfortable the greater the benefits you will reap. 

Get in touch with WorkInSync to learn more about the product. 

Sonia Awan