6 Tips to Be a Responsible Pet Parent

6 Tips to Be a Responsible Pet Parent

People who own pets consider themselves pet parents. They consider their pets as a part of their family rather than just an animal. This is a trend becoming popular and shows how well people bond with animals. If you are planning to bring a pet home, then it is important to know how to be a pet parent.

Remember, the pet animal is a living being, and it fully depends on you. It is your responsibility as a pet parent to take care of it for the rest of its life. You need to be a responsible pet parent and make sure the new member to your family is properly taken care of. We have six useful tips to help you prepare to be a responsible pet parent.

Tips on Pet Parenting

  1. Think and re-think before getting a pet

Most people get a pet by seeing a pet in someone else’s house or when they come across a pet at a pet store or somewhere else. The decision is usually impetuous. As a result, they later realize they cannot take care of the pet. This may lead to the cruel situation of the pet being given away or even abandoned. To be a responsible parent think carefully before bringing a pet home. Discuss with the people in your house and be clear whether you can devote time, effort, and money to take care of the pet. Get a pet only if the answer is yes.

  1. Get the pet that suits your home

Every home has limitations in terms of size, outdoor space, etc. Keep them in mind while getting a pet. If you stay in an apartment and get a large dog the space is just not sufficient. You need to walk it every day. If you can’t do it, then either get a smaller dog or some other pet. If you get a pet that needs a cage, ensure you get a large cage and have space for it. Keep the needs of the pet in mind. Else, the pet will not be comfortable and may even have health issues.

suits your home

  1. Be responsible while sourcing the pet

Do not get pets from the wrong source. Ideally, get the pet from a shelter. Choose a reputable shelter or pet store. Ensure the pet is taken care of well in the store/shelter. Check reviews of the place or talk to people to get feedback. Visit the store and see things for yourself. Ensure all paperwork is in order. Be careful about getting pets from commercial breeders. Some unscrupulous breeders indulge in crossbreeding. This can lead to pets that develop serious health issues.

  1. Ensure a safe environment at home

Before you bring your pet home, you need to pet-proof your home. Ensure that the home has a safe environment for your pet to thrive. As a responsible parent, you need to do this to ensure your pet is safe at all times. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Ensure harmful objects are removed from the area that your pet uses. Electric wires and other hazardous materials should be kept
  • Ensure harmful plants are not kept. For example, tulips can be toxic for dogs and cats.
  • Dogs and cats generally are left But you can restrict them by putting gates to avoid them getting into trouble in the kitchen or the bathroom. You may consider getting a cage to keep them in when you are leaving them alone. Ensure the cage is spacious.
  • Make arrangements for their toilet, like a litter box for cats. Toilet train dogs and have a space preferably outdoors.
  • For pets that stay in tanks and cages, ensure it is spacious and is in the right place. You may need a cover, so the pet can sleep without being disturbed by the light.
  1. Complete all the paperwork

Each state/city has its own laws related to owning pets. The law are stringent for exotic pets. Ensure you understand the laws and follow them. Paperwork like registration and getting an ID for your pet has to be completed. Do it to ensure you follow the law and avoid problems. You can consider getting a microchip for dogs and cats. This will be very helpful while traveling and also if the pet gets lost.

  1. Find a vet

You need to find a veterinarian who can treat your pet. Remember that exotic pets may require a specialist vet. Find someone close by, so it is easy to take the pet. Take your pet to the vet and ensure all vaccinations and health checks are done.

You need to bear responsibility to own a pet, and become a good pet parent. Use the tips provided in this guide to understand how much goes into becoming a pet owner.

Stock images by Dreamstime.com

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com