7 Questions to Ask Your Local Orthodontist Before Getting Invisalign

7 Questions to Ask Your Local Orthodontist Before Getting Invisalign

Are you considering getting Invisalign? Are you wondering what to talk to your local orthodontist about before getting them?

Invisalign has amazing benefits for your confidence and overall dental health. It can reduce wear and tear on your teeth, give you healthier gums, and provide that straight smile you’ve always dreamed about getting.

Yet is Invisalign for everyone? And what do you need to know about Invisalign dental care before you invest?

Here’s what you need to be asking.

  1. Am I a Good Candidate For Invisalign?

Talk to your orthodontist about whether or not Invisalign is right for you. The best Invisalign candidates are teens or adults whose mouths have stopped growing. They should be mature enough to keep their aligners in for at least 20-22 hours per day.

If you have serious dental issues, Invisalign may not be for you. Similarly, if you have active gum disease or cavities, your dentist may suggest a restorative treatment plan before you start wearing aligners.

If you have dental bridges, dental implants, or TMJ, you may have an issue with Invisalign aligners because they may not fit properly. It’s critical to talk to your orthodontic professional before determining whether or not Invisalign is right for you.

  1. How Long Will I Be Wearing My Aligners?

It’s important to know the time period you’re committing to before deciding on Invisalign. In general, the treatment will take somewhere between 12 and 18 months.

The length of your treatment will be impacted by a number of factors. These include the size of the gaps between your teeth or the severity of the crowding. Your age will also play a role.

In addition, your compliance with the Invisalign treatment will impact how long you wear your aligners. If you don’t follow your orthodontist’s instructions, the treatment will likely take longer.

  1. How Much Will Invisalign Cost?

It’s important to know how much Invisalign costs before agreeing to treatment, as well as how you will afford it. The national average cost is between $3,000 and $5,000 for the treatment.

There are a number of factors that will influence the actual cost to you. The degree of crowding or size of the gaps in your teeth is one. Yet it will also be influenced by your geographical location in the country, as well as your orthodontist’s experience.

Your insurance coverage is another factor that will play a role. Many dental insurances will cover a portion of the cost and leave the rest of it to you. It’s important to choose an orthodontist who takes your insurance.

  1. How Can I Afford Invisalign?

Even if you do have insurance, you’ll want to talk to your orthodontist about ways to make your Invisalign affordable and manageable. For example, if your insurance covers a third of the cost, you should know how you are going to manage the rest of the payments.

Many orthodontist practices will offer payment plans that will allow you to pay your treatment off a little each month. This can help them to fit more neatly into your budget. You may also get a discount for paying for the entire treatment upfront, or for being a public servant if that’s your profession.

You can also talk to your employer about setting up a Health. These allow you to put aside a certain amount of tax-sheltered money each month that can be used to pay for health expenses.

With an HSA, you can keep more of your paycheck. You can also use the money to pay for things like cosmetic dentistry, glasses, and co-pays.

If an HSA isn’t available at your place of work, you can also ask your employer about a Flexible Spending Account (FSA.) These are similar to HSAs in that you can put aside a certain amount of money each month that is tax-free and can be used for health expenses.

Unlike an HSA, however, an FSA is owned by your employer. With an HSA, you can rollover any unused funds from year to year.

  1. What Can I Eat With Invisalign?

One thing that many individuals like about Invisalign is that they can continue eating many of their favorite foods. This is because the aligners get removed when eating or drinking.

With traditional braces, you need to avoid crunchy, chewy favorite foods such as popcorn, bagels, and pizza. With Invisalign, however, this isn’t the case. You can continue eating much in the same way you have been.

  1. What Is Your Experience With Invisalign?

When searching for an “Invisalign doctor near me,” it’s important to choose someone with experience with the aligners. Before settling on an orthodontist, be sure to ask about how many years they have been treating patients with Invisalign. What are some common problems, and what is their favorite part about the treatment?

A doctor with experience will be able to answer your questions without hesitation.

  1. How Do I Care For My Invisalign?

If you want to get the most out of your treatment, it’s important to be diligent in terms of care and maintenance.

With Invisalign, you’ll need to brush, floss, and rinse as usual twice a day. You’ll also need to brush your aligners with a soft-bristled brush and rinse them. It’s important to care for your Invisalign properly to make sure they work beautifully.

Ask Your Local Orthodontist About Invisalign

If you’re ready for a picture-perfect smile, it’s time to talk to your local orthodontist about Invisalign. You’ll get a beautiful smile and no one ever needs to know you were wearing braces!

Don’t stop getting smart about your health and lifestyle now. For more great advice, contact us today.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com