How To Grow Your Business Through Messaging: 7 Tips for Successful Messaging

How To Grow Your Business Through Messaging: 7 Tips for Successful Messaging

We’re living in a messaging-obsessed world. Almost everyone has a messaging app on their phone, and businesses of all sizes are diving into the world of messaging to connect with their current and potential customers. Messaging is one of the most popular and effective ways to connect with people and drive engagement. But, with so many messaging apps, it can be difficult to figure out which is the best for your brand.

This article will give you answers to some of the most important questions you have when it comes to growing your business through messaging. From how to start, to who your ideal customers are, and how to make sure you’re investing your money in the right tools. Read on to learn how you can start growing your business through messaging.

What is Messaging?

Messaging is a type of communication that involves the exchange of verbal or written messages between two people. It can be a one-to-one exchange, or it can be shared between a group of people.

Messaging services can be broken down into two categories – apps that allow you to communicate with other people, and apps that allow you to communicate with apps. Types of messaging apps include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, WeChat, Telegram, Snapchat, and Instagram.

How do you grow your business through messaging?

You can use messaging to communicate with your current and potential customers in the following ways:

– Respond to inquiries – Many businesses now choose to respond to customer inquiries through messaging, rather than email. In fact, over half of American consumers say they prefer receiving information and responding to questions on social media rather than through traditional email channels.

– Build relationships – With social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter wide open for your business accounts, you have the chance to build relationships with your ideal customers. Repeated messages in which you respond to your customers’ inquiries and questions, along with sharing your product details, can help build relationships and trust with your target audience.

– Respond to service issues – While you can use messaging to respond to inquiries and build relationships with your customers, you can also use messaging to respond to service issues. Responding to service issues through messaging can help you avoid the headache of solving issues with a customer who is using a third-party service.

How to Target Your Ideal Customers?

When it comes to growing your business through messaging, it’s important to remember that your customers are on different social media platforms to you. In order to target the right people and understand their needs, you’ll need to have an overview of your customers across the most popular social media platforms.So, you may have an existing customer base who are on Facebook and Twitter, but what about those customers on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest?  If you don’t have a customer base on these platforms, you may miss out on a lot of potential new customers. This is why you need to target your ideal customers across as many social media platforms as possible. With an overview of your customers across the major social media platforms, you can start targeting your ideal customers.

Set up an Automated Messaging Service

While you can use the tools above to target your ideal customers on each of the major social media platforms, you’ll want to automate your messaging. With no human involvement, you can create automated messages for repeat emails and messages, decreasing your time-consuming efforts. Every business needs to communicate with their customers, but there are plenty of options when it comes to choosing your preferred messaging service.

Some of the most popular and well-respected messaging apps for businesses include:

Appointible – A simple SMS Marketing Platform for business. Offers: automated SMS messages, reminders, auto responders, dedicated numbers, bulk messaging, scheduler and much more.

SendGrid – SendGrid offers email delivery services, as well as a full suite of features for businesses to automate their email marketing.

MailChimp – If you’re looking for a free solution, MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools. It offers automated email campaigns and the ability to create targeted emails.

ConvertKit – For more advanced marketing automation, try ConvertKit. This tool allows you to create automated emails and run campaigns across many different channels.

Use Bot Software

Finally, while all of the above tools are great for growing your business through messaging, they don’t offer the level of customization available with bot software. Bot software allows you to program messages to be sent to your customers based on their actions.

Some of the most popular bot technologies for businesses include:

– Zendesk – Customers love Zendesk for helping solve issues, and now businesses are starting to appreciate how great it is for helping them grow their business. With the ability to track and respond to customer interactions, your bot can automate all of the communication you need.

– Sprout Social – Sprout Social offers a full suite of social media marketing tools, and bot functionality is one of them. With the ability to create custombot triggers, you can start growing your business through messaging right away.

– Hubspot – Growth hacking is all about finding new ways to grow your business, and Bot software isn’t just for social media. With HubSpot’s Bot software, you can set up tailored messages for your ideal customers on email campaigns and webinars, helping you to grow your business through messaging.


You’ve probably noticed that we’ve focused on growing your business through messaging on social media platforms. This is because social media platforms are the hottest and most exciting source for growing your business.

While there are many advantages of using social media channels, there are also many drawbacks.

For one, you have to keep up with the ever-changing trends across platforms and manage multiple accounts on each. Moreover, social media is often filled with advertisements, which can negatively affect your brand image.

Fortunately, there are other channels that are just as engaging, but far less crowded, such as email and text messaging. With these channels, you don’t have to worry about creating an engaging message or managing multiple platforms. You can simply target your ideal customers and start growing your business through messaging.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.