8 superiorities of corrugated boxes in the packaging industry

8 superiorities of corrugated boxes in the packaging industry

Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated boxes are utilized in different industries and have become an ultimate choice for a lot of businesses and brands, especially for the packaging industry. They are considered to be the most easily available packaging choice being they are less costly and have lesser weight. They are considered structurally strong and ideal for packaging fragile and perishable items for being offering the absorbing quality of jerks and bumps when transporting. They also have unparallel advantages of customization in comparison with other types of packaging. They are ideal for custom packaging for a large number of items like food products, office supplies and stationery, various industrial products, electronic items irrespective of their size and shape. Corrugated boards are of different types, single-faced, double-faced (single wall), twin wall, and triple wall depending on the durability and strength of the box to produce boxes of different qualities, performances and strength.

Corrugated boxes have some distinctive qualities that transcend them to the level of ideal packaging for a wide range of products. Here is a brief account of different superiorities of corrugated boxes;

  1. Custom packaging

It is the unique characteristic of Custom Corrugated Boxes packaging that it can easily be customized. You can opt for your own custom boxes designs and styles as per requirement and business nature. They can be customized by optimizing with the brand originality for an inimitable presentation. The successful optimization will cast a significant impact on the presentation and quality of the box. Groove, slotting, printing, and glueing are important for spot on optimization. It will serve as a valuable marketing and advertising means to enhance the brand imaging of your product.

  1. Cost-Efficient

These boxes are cheap and less costly as compared to other packaging solutions. They are produced out of cardboard that doesn’t need high labour input. For having greater customizability of cardboard boxes, it is the perfect material to produce compact designs. Compact custom cardboard boxes focus on producing simple boxes that make the cost of production low. Exaggeratedly fancy and large custom boxes are disliked by modern customers. Compact custom boxes are also easy to display on the shelves to engage lesser space.

  1. Higher protection

Corrugated cardboard boxes are sturdier than normal cardboard boxes. They provide an unwavering buffering for products packed inside in the entire process of handling and shipping. These boxes are designed to protect the products from moisture and microbes especially the food items that are destined to suffer a long travelling time. It is no doubt that these boxes are generally strong enough to bear the weight to make sure that the items packed inside remain protected from breakage and damage.

  1. Brand imaging

The custom corrugated packaging printed with the company’s logo, product images will be visible to a large number of commuters and onlookers during shipment and delivery, thus help in enhancing your company’s branding. By giving boxes a personal and optimized treatment and powerful presentation creates a unique individuality of brand in the market that affects customers’ loyalty and affiliation.

  1. Flexibility

Custom printed boxes of corrugated material can be produced in a large variety of sizes. They can either be single, double or even triple walled used to pack different kinds of products. This unique quality makes these boxes highly flexible packaging choice in the market. They can be customized to create moderate packaging. Their flexibility allows place cushion pads, corrugated pallets making the packaging sturdier as well as protective. With their visibleness and air permeability, pallets are enormously used in the unified packaging of carbonated soft drinks, mineral water, beer and other kinds of soft drinks.

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  1. Lightweight

Being lightweight and strong, corrugated cardboard is very useful and makes the boxes enormously suitable for packaging especially for fragile and perishable items without compromising on the protection of products. These lightweight boxes are equally suitable for food, chemicals, pharma, consumer products, and others etc. The lightweight boxes can be transported with ease and proficiency. They can be cost-effective also in terms of lesser weight and can be easily picked and dropped.

  1. Food safety

Food items are very sensitive and related to human health that cannot be compromised at any cost. Certain protocols are observed in the packaging industry. Corrugated packaging is considered very beneficial for food safety and to protect against bacterial infections. It is also perceived that corrugated packaging is very effective to preserve the fruits and vegetables fresher for a long time. Besides freshness, these boxes are also suitable to prevent the propagation of bacteria. It is also useful for packaging medicines to preserve their chemical composition and to reach customers in healthy conditions.

  1. Recyclable and Reusable

Modern industrialization has created an extensive threat to a green environment. Industrial and domestic wastes have endangered the environment. This environmental degradation is causing global warming. The use of corrugated card boxes can be a great help to conserve the green environment. It is generally perceived that eco-friendly custom packaging is costly, which is not correct. Corrugated cardboard is biodegradable and highly cost-efficient. The organic material is used to produce the boxes. It is produced of 70-100% recycled material, making it highly eco-friendly. They can be recycled easily and can be re-used, re-pulped and remade. These recyclable features contribute to preserving the green environment. The boxes can also be wrapped and packed up for reuse when required.

In conclusion, the superiority and importance of corrugated boxes cannot be denied for several reasons. These boxes are an ideal choice for a large number of industrial as well as domestic products like food, stationery, different industrial, electronic items. They can be customized according to the requirements providing an impressive presentation with add-ons creating brand imaging. They, being lightweight and having flexibility is very beneficial for food safety and helpful against infections. It is also highly biodegradable and can be recycled and reused.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com