Paint or Wallpaper: Which Is Better for Your Space?

Paint or Wallpaper: Which Is Better for Your Space?

Where do you stand in the paint vs. wallpaper debate? While many people argue that nothing updates a room faster than a splash of paint, others stand firm in their love for classic wallpaper and its striking patterns.

Of course, whether you prefer paint or wallpaper, the best option for your home can often depend on a lot of factors, many of which may be out of your control. These include the size and use of the room you’re decorating, as well as your budget, timeframe, and the aesthetic you’re going for.

So, should I paint or wallpaper? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of both to help you decide!

The Advantages of Paint

Like a good pair of jeans, paint never goes out of fashion. Some of the key benefits include:

More Affordable

If you’re wondering, “is paint or wallpaper cheaper?”, the answer is easy – paint is definitely the more budget-friendly option of the two. Although there are fancy paint companies out there, it’s still easy to find affordable paint in any color imaginable.

Accessible to Everyone

We’d always recommend that you hire commercial painters for a professional job. That said, it is possible for a complete amateur to grab some supplies and paint their home. Granted, it’s probably not going to look perfect, but if you’re looking for a quick DIY project that makes a real difference to the feel of your space, nothing beats a new coat of paint.

Easy to Change

No longer in love with your bright orange living room? No problem, just paint over it! The great thing about paint is that it’s easy to switch when the mood takes you. Do bear in mind, however, that going to a lighter paint color will require several coats to conceal the darker paint underneath.

The Disadvantages of Paint

While paint comes with some impressive benefits, it does have a few downfalls too:

Shorter Lifespan

Paint is prone to damage from scratches, stains, and chips. As a result, it can begin to show its age after a few years. When compared to wallpaper, keeping your painted walls looking fresh and new will mean more touch-ups and paint projects over the years.

Less Variety

There’s no doubt that you can find paint in every color of the rainbow as well as all the millions of shades in between. And, fashionable options such as limewash paint can help add a little depth and character to your walls. But if you’re looking for the wow factor, paint can sometimes feel flat in comparison with wallpaper and its many patterns and textures.

When to Use Paint

Paint is a good fit for all spaces, including rooms that see a lot of traffic such as halls and living rooms. And if you’re wondering whether you should choose paint or wallpaper for a bathroom or kitchen, paint is the winner every time since it can handle the moisture a lot better.

Paint also makes a lot more sense than wallpaper if you’re renting and looking for a way to update your space in a way that your landlord will approve. Likewise, stick to paint in kids’ bedrooms. Changing tastes mean that you need something you can replace at a moment’s notice and with minimal expense.

The Advantages of Wallpaper

Once the go-to for walls, wallpaper has since come in and out of fashion many times. These days, it’s not as common as paint, although wallpaper fans will testify that it has many convincing advantages:


While wallpaper is often the more expensive option, it’s also more durable, meaning that you won’t have to keep paying out to redo it every few years as you would with paint. In fact, wallpaper can last as long as 10 to 15 years.

More Striking

When chosen well and used in an appropriate space, wallpaper can provide the kind of striking look that paint will never quite match. And, with so many different designs and textures available, it’s easy to find the perfect pattern.

Conceals Anything

Cracked, flaking, uneven walls? Opt for a thick, textured wallpaper to fix these imperfections and add character at the same time. This ensures that your well-chosen paper is the room’s focal point rather than the poor state of the walls.

The Disadvantages of Wallpaper

Wallpaper might be a winner in many ways, but it’s not always the best choice, as these disadvantages show:

More Expensive

The very necessary extra cost of professional installation makes wallpaper far more expensive on average. And, if you want a particularly unique or exclusive wallpaper design, the price can be a lot higher than even a professional paint job.

Difficult to Change

In the past, many people debated about whether they should paint over wallpaper or not, since it was almost impossible to remove older materials without damaging your walls. While new brands allow you to remove their wallpaper in strips, the process is still tedious and a lot more difficult than updating a wall with new paint.

Prone to Moisture Damage

Wallpaper doesn’t work well in rooms that see a lot of moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. The moisture can actually weaken the adhesive holding the paper to the wall, causing peeling and even mold and mildew.

When to Use Wallpaper

Bedrooms and living areas are ideal canvases for creating a sense of flair with wallpaper. Wallpaper also works well for halls and entrance areas where space is of a premium and you need a way to add interest without cluttering things up with furniture and pictures.

That said, if this is your first experiment with wallpaper, we’d recommend starting small by using it on an accent wall or for a powder room rather than an extensive living space.

Paint or Wallpaper: Choosing the Best Option for Your Space

While both have their pros and cons, deciding whether paint or wallpaper is the best choice for you doesn’t have to mean rejecting the other option completely. Paint might be the smart choice for rental properties, bathrooms, and kitchens, but homeowners seeking something special might even consider mixing the two to get the best of both worlds.

After all, what could be better than wallpaper accents combined with a complementary paint color to accentuate the space and create a truly unique look?!

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.