A Quick Guide to the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

Did you know that 5 million people in the United States get wisdom teeth removal each year? Getting your wisdom teeth surgery sounds like a scary and intimidating procedure but it is necessary for people that have impacted wisdom teeth. A big part of overcoming your apprehension towards wisdom teeth removal is learning about the wisdom teeth removal process.
There are many signs that you’re in need of wisdom teeth removal and these signs shouldn’t be ignored. You also owe it to yourself to know what to expect when you go to get your wisdom teeth out by reading a wisdom teeth removal guide. The good news is that you’ve come to the perfect place for some helpful tips for getting your wisdom teeth out.
Keep reading this article to learn more about the process, the signs that you need it, and wisdom teeth removal tips for recovery.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Before you learn about the process of removing wisdom teeth it is probably a good starting point to talk about what wisdom teeth are. They’re a third molar tooth that starts to emerge from your gums between the ages of 17 and 21. It is a common practice for your dentist to take a look at where your wisdom teeth will come in around the time that you turn 16.
The reason that the wisdom teeth removal process exists is that most human mouths don’t have room for four extra molars. This overcrowded environment leads to pain and other dental issues.
Signs That You Need the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process?
There are some common signs that will help you know if your wisdom teeth are starting to come in. It is a good idea to get your mouth evaluated by a dentist or orthodontist sometime after you turn 16. This helps to check on the status of your wisdom teeth and determine if you’ll need to get yours removed.
There isn’t a uniform age for getting wisdom teeth extracted so it is up to your body to tell you when the time is right. A big reason why people choose to get their wisdom teeth removed is that the wisdom teeth are impacted. This means that the wisdom teeth will grow in sideways or crooked. This is especially problematic if there isn’t enough room for these teeth to begin with.
If you let the wisdom teeth grow in then it could lead to excessive crowding in your mouth. This causes your teeth to press against each other which causes mouth pain. It also results in a build-up of bacteria due to the food that gets trapped in your mouth.
What Is the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process?
The process of getting wisdom teeth removal happens with the use of some type of anesthetic. This factor changes depending on where you go. Some places choose to use local anesthetic while other places opt for the anesthetic to make you unconscious for the duration of the procedure.
If you have a lot of anxiety about removing wisdom teeth then you should talk with your dentist to get all of your anesthetic options for the surgery. Wisdom teeth surgery starts with cutting through your mouth’s gum tissue to reach where your wisdom teeth are located. Once that part is done, the doctor will cut through what is connecting the wisdom tooth to the bone.
This will make removing the tooth from your mouth a much easier task. After the tooth is disconnected and removed the doctor will sew your gums back together using stitches to help with the healing process. If you have impacted wisdom teeth then it is possible that your doctor or dentist will remove a part of your jawbone in order to take the wisdom teeth out.
The good news is that the anesthesia will prevent you from feeling any pain throughout the wisdom teeth removal process. You do need to be ready to expect pain once the procedure is over and the anesthesia wears off. You’ll likely get prescribed pain medication to help you manage the pain over the next few days when you’re recovering.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips
The next stage of wisdom teeth removal is the recovery portion. A good rule of thumb is to give yourself five to seven days to recover from your wisdom teeth surgery. If the doctor removed part of your jaw to get the impacted wisdom teeth out then the recovery could take longer.
You need to expect to see blood for the first 24 hours after the surgery happens. The best way to control the bleeding is by using the gauze strips that your dentist or doctor provides you. For the best results, you should bite down on the gauze for long periods of time.
Teabags are another effective way to help control the bleeding after wisdom teeth surgery. The best strategy with teabags is to use ones with tannic acid. This is great because it lowers the odds of a dry socket from happening.
There is also some facial swelling that happens after getting your wisdom teeth out. This is nothing to stress about as the swelling goes down over the next day or two. To help the swelling you should apply ice to the areas with the most swelling for ten minutes and then remove it for twenty minutes before repeating the process.
Another important thing to keep in mind with wisdom teeth removal is the stitches. Some doctors use stitches that need to be removed once you’ve healed from the surgery. Others use stitches that dissolve over time so you won’t need to return to get them removed. Make sure you ask which type of stitches get used for your surgery.
Now You’re Ready to Experience the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process
The wisdom teeth removal process is important for promoting good oral health. Wisdom teeth tend to come in between the ages of 17 and 21 and they require a surgical procedure to get them out. Leaving them in could cause issues like overcrowding, oral pain, and bacteria buildup in your mouth. Make sure that you apply ice to any swelling after surgery and give your body time to heal.
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