Astro Numerological Tips For Your Health Productivity

Astro Numerological Tips For Your Health Productivity

Astronumerology is not a new concept; it has been part of human civilization for eons and has stood the test of time since the dawn of time. The necessity of the hour is to more proactively utilize it as a guiding force in our lives and to maximize the benefits of this magnificent divine gift of nature. The date of birth and the person’s name can be used to predict every occurrence in a person’s life (both good and negative). You can search “Indian astrologer near meif you are continuously facing issues. You can take health advice based on your date of birth.

  • People born on the first, tenth, nineteenth, or twenty-eighth day of any month

The sun has authority over people born on the first, tenth, nineteenth, or twenty-eighth day of any month. They are prone to heart problems in one form or another. These persons may experience palpitation and high blood pressure as they age. They are also prone to eye problems, so it is recommended that they have their eyes tested regularly. They are also advised to massage with almond oil to improve circulation. They should stay out of the sun and stay out of the heat.

  • People born on the second, eleventh, twentieth, or thirty-ninth day of any month

The moon rules people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month. They frequently experience insomnia or sleeplessness. These persons have digestive problems due to their poor body composition. They have indigestion, constipation, digestive problems, and other issues to which they are prone. Tea or coffee addiction is bad for this number; alternatively, buttermilk is an excellent choice. They should also eat cucumbers and oregano.

  • People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th day of any month

Jupiter is the ruler of people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th day of any month. They suffer from nervous system overstrain as a result. As a result, individuals are more likely to suffer from skin issues, sciatica, and nerve difficulties. They have a delicate throat as well. To ease nervous tension, they should massage their heads with soaked fenugreek seeds and sesame oil.

  • People born on the fourth, thirteenth, twenty-first, or thirty-first days of any month

Rahu rules those born on the fourth, thirteenth, twenty-first, or thirty-first day of any month. These folks are more likely to have strange illnesses that are difficult to diagnose. Anemia and back and head problems are common among them. Later in life, they may experience melancholy and depression. As a result, they should eat spinach and beets regularly. They benefit from carrot, apple, and beet juice. They will stay robust and healthy if they eat green leafy vegetables and sprouts regularly.

  • People born on the fifth, fourteenth, and twenty-third days of any month

People born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month are governed by Mercury. They are prone to uneasiness as a result of mental exhaustion, a cold, cough, the flu, or insomnia. They can, however, solve the majority of their mental problems by meditating and getting enough sleep. Walnuts and citrus fruits should be a part of their daily diet.

  • People born on the sixth, fifteenth, and twenty-fourth days of any month

The people born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of any month are ruled by Venus. Infections of the nose, throat, and lungs are common in this group. Breast-related issues and a weak heart are common among women. Pranayama (breathing exercises) can, on the other hand, be quite beneficial to them. 

  • People born on the seventh, sixteenth, and twenty-fifth days of any month

Ketu rules people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month. They have skin problems and sweat excessively. They are extremely sensitive and are readily disturbed by the tiniest of perturbations. As a result, they should increase their vitamin D and E consumption, drink fresh fruit juices, and eat grapes and mushrooms. They should also refrain from overworking themselves.

  • People born on the eighth, seventeenth, and twenty-sixth days of any month

Saturn rules people born on the eighth, seventeenth, and twenty-sixth days of any month. Problems with the liver, bile, and intestines are common in them. They may also experience dental issues. These individuals should massage with mustard oil daily and improve their iron and calcium intake. These individuals should consume buttermilk and carrots daily.

  • People who were born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th day of any month

Mars is the ruling planet over those born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th days of any month. They are susceptible to a variety of fevers as well as kidney issues. They are also susceptible to addiction and should abstain from intoxicants, alcohol, and narcotics. It is recommended that they eat a lot of garlic and use Tulsi as their main medicinal herb.


Our body and health is the most valuable asset we own, and we should do all the things in our power to protect them and never take them for granted. It’s better to look into our health rather than searching for “astrologer near me” on Google. Everything is possible if we maintain our health.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.