B2B Email Marketing: Is It Worth Investing in or Is It Dead?

B2B Email Marketing: Is It Worth Investing in or Is It Dead?

We live in a time where what’s hot and what’s not changes overnight. If you run a business, you are in a perpetual uneasiness regarding your best practices and methods.

One form of marketing that constantly seems to have its days numbers is email marketing. But is it always a case of out with the old and in with the new. And if you are a B2B business, is B2B email marketing worth it?

Read on to find out.

Take Email Marketing Seriously

The first thing to clarify is that email marketing is not something your business should be doing. It is something you need to be doing.

It is the primary communication method of choice for professionals. For example, the average worker checks their email 15 times a day, with many doing it as the first thing they do when they wake up.

And this makes sense. While other forms of getting your point across are personal or optional, email is and will always remain professional. If you aim to attract more business, B2B email marketing is the right way to do it.

Make Your Blows Count

Another aspect your business can’t ignore is B2B email marketing ROI.

If you are interested in making your dollars count, then having a clear B2B email marketing strategy will do wonders for your bottom line. Studies have shown that email generates an impressive $42 per every $1 spent. That is a staggering 4200% return on a cost-effective and highly productive avenue.

Knowing that any attempts in email marketing b2b lead generation will not leave a dent in your accounts allows you to be more creative. Feel like it hasn’t been working for you so far? Check out this link to crank it up a notch!

The Fallacy of Social Media

Nowadays there is a new big dog in town for marketing.

Social media.

And with 4.48 billion people on social media today, any business worth its salt needs some presence on the right and relevant platform. While it can vary, the reality is that followers and likes don’t always result in tangible leads.

To make things worse, you are at the mercy of the algorithms regarding how many people see your content in the first place.

In contrast, with B2B email marketing, you can be sure of one thing. Everyone will see what you want to show them. In addition, as businesses would have opted in to know more, the chances of leads turning to conversions are higher than the hoards of people who use social media solely for entertainment.

Oh, and 4 billion daily email users are nothing to laugh about either!

Be Consistent and Reap the Rewards of B2B Email Marketing

With so many ways to stay in contact today, getting your foot in the door to new potential customers may seem more manageable than ever. But whether they are effective is another matter. We hope our rundown of B2B email marketing has helped you see that this is one avenue you should explore.

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