Coronavirus Challenges and How to Survive

Coronavirus Challenges and How to Survive

Coronavirus disease has shaken the entire world, and the health system is on its knees. The experts have put measures in place to control the spread of the virus. Wearing masks, frequently washing hands, and keeping a social distance is the ‘new norm’. Nevertheless, with the discovery of the vaccines, we hope to resume our normal lives soon.

Coronavirus disease (covid-19) has killed many people across the world. The health experts have recommended several measures to contain the condition. For example, mass testing is encouraged across all countries and this has increased the demand for COVID-19 test kit bags.

Although the world at large has done a lot to keep the infectious virus at bay, there are still challenges that seem adamant. They include;

  • Insufficient preparedness to handle emergencies; most health facilities do not have adequate systems to manage the pandemic. And that has overwhelmed the global health system. There is a widespread lack of sufficient patient beds, fully occupied ICU units, and inadequate oxygen cylinders for critically ill patients.
  • Inadequate personal protective equipment; health workers need to wear full protective gear while attending to covid-19 patients. With the rise in the number of people infected, healthcare workers do not have enough personal protective equipment. So, they are exposed to the virus. And we’ve lost a good number of frontline workers to the virus.
  • Ineffective covid-19 test kits; some covid-19 test kits are not 100 percent effective and may produce varying results. For instance, there have been cases of some individuals testing for covid-19 in two different facilities only to get contrasting results.
  • Inadequate covid-19 test kits; it has been hard to carry out mass testing because of the limited number of covid-19 testing kits available.
  • COVID-19 and the economy; covid-19 has led to a reduction in revenues, a rise in unemployment, and low income.

Strategies to help control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic

  • Working together as a team; Mobilize sectors and communities towards one goal of minimizing COVID-19 infections. Everyone should take ownership and prevent cases through hand hygiene, physical distancing, and respiratory etiquette.
  • Control community transmission; rapidly find and isolate all COVID-19 patients. Give them appropriate support and care. Contact-tracing, quarantine, and provide care for all the people involved.
  • Observe physical distancing measures; avoid overcrowding, ensure that you observe social distancing, and avoid unnecessary movements.
  • Reduce mortality; infected COVID-19 patients should receive immediate clinical care and treatment. Health workers should fully wear personal protective equipment while attending to covid-19 patients.
  • Use safe and effective vaccines; the vaccines make the body strong enough to fight the virus once you contract it. It will prevent you from experiencing the harsh effects of the virus.
  • Protection of vulnerable populations; aged people and those with underlying conditions are at a greater risk of contracting the virus. Measures should be put in place to ensure that they are safe. They may work from home to reduce contact with other people.
  • Wear protective gear; all frontline workers must wear personal protective equipment while on duty. Every person must put on a mask before getting out of the house.

Coronavirus disease is in our communities. Observe COVID-19 guidelines to reduce community transmission and loss of life. More COVID-19 test kit bags should be made available to enable mass testing to identify, isolate and treat the infected people.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.