Cravings: How to Deal With Them

Cravings: How to Deal With Them

One of the hardest things for addicts to deal with post-recovery is cravings. Even after all the hard work to become sober, cravings can be an inevitable part of the process.

There are many things that can trigger a recovering addict to crave drug use. This includes things like stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, social gatherings, etc.

Recovering addicts need to be aware of these triggers and curb their cravings in order to maintain sobriety.

Keep reading this article to learn how to deal with cravings from drug addiction.


It’s true that idleness can increase cravings. Many addicts will have urges to use as a way to cope with boredom.

If you struggle with drug abuse, it’s extremely important to turn to a hobby or passion that you enjoy.

If you aren’t sure what your hobby or passion is, experiment with different things like arts and crafts, sports, singing, dancing, or writing. It may even be in your best interest to join your local community theatre or take part in a cooking class.

Finding a hobby that you’re passionate about will not only distract you from using, but will also give you a sense of purpose.


Another great way to combat cravings is through meditation. Meditation promotes tranquility by helping you stay in the present moment.

Meditation will encourage mindfulness in your day-to-day life which can shut out those racing thoughts or urges to use again.

It can also help you become more spiritual which is shown to work wonders for those who have an addiction problem.


In certain cases, you may be prescribed medication to decrease your drug cravings. This is often the case with substances like opioids and alcohol.

Acamprosate is one commonly prescribed medication for alcohol cravings. Methadone is commonly prescribed for opioid cravings and withdrawals.


We all know the positive effects of exercise. This could not be more true for recovering addicts.

Exercise boosts feel-good chemicals in the brain like endorphins and serotonin and also serves as a great outlet to let out any repressed emotions.

Something as simple as a daily walk can make a huge impact on your overall wellbeing and tackle those cravings.

Support Groups

Support groups are one of the most important resources to help addicts stay sober. If you are feeling the urge to use, it can be a huge help to vent to your sponsor and others who are likely going through the same thing.

Support groups will provide you with a sense of community and serve as a reminder to not give in to your cravings.

Dealing with Cravings

Dealing with cravings is far from easy. That’s why it’s important to become conscious of your triggers and apply the tips in this article to help you lead a happy and sober life.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.