Debunking the Most Common Orthodontic Treatment Myths That Exist Today

Debunking the Most Common Orthodontic Treatment Myths That Exist Today

Back in 2020, more than 200,000 dentists in the US practiced their degrees. However, only about one in five of them were specialists. The rest were general dentists.

Orthodontics is one area that only a few dentists in the US specialize in. After all, most conditions that require orthodontic treatment can be complex.

Perhaps it’s that lack of orthodontists that many rumors surround orthodontics.

To that end, we came up with this guide in the hopes of debunking those myths. So, be sure to read on to learn the truth about straight teeth and aligned jaws.

Only Children and Teens Can Undergo Orthodontic Treatment

Not true. In fact, in the United States, about one-third of orthodontic patients are adults. This should be proof enough that there’s no such thing as being too old to get straighter, healthier teeth.

However, it’s important to note that most orthodontists recommend treatment by the age of 12 or 13. That’s because it’s during this period that all adult teeth in children have already come in. Moreover, the bones and gums of kids are still malleable at this age, and thus, easy to manipulate with braces.

The Main Goal of Orthodontics Is to Create a Nice Smile

Straight teeth do look better when you smile, but that’s not the only goal of orthodontics. It also provides a functional, stable bite. Moreover, it aims to fix misaligned teeth that may be more prone to developing cavities.

So, not only do braces help straighten teeth, but they also help keep your teeth healthy and for as long as possible.

All Dentists Specialize in Orthodontic Practice

All orthodontists are dentists, but not all dentists can practice orthodontics. That’s because orthodontists for children, teens, and adults undergo more extensive training. Their additional education makes them specialists in jaw alignment and teeth movement.

Still, some states do allow general dentists to provide braces. However, if your bad bite woes are more complex, it may be best to see an orthodontist.

All Orthodontic Appliances Consist of Metal Components

No, today’s orthodontic treatments now use ceramic or even “invisible” plastic materials. However, it’s true that metal braces are still the most common type of braces.

Still, that means patients who’d rather not have shiny metal on their teeth have other options.

Ceramic braces consist of tooth-colored or clear brackets, wires, and brands. These features give them a more discrete appearance.

Invisible appliances aren’t really invisible, but they consist of see-through plastic components. You don’t wear them like traditional braces, either; instead, you can remove them. In most cases, you have to remove them before eating, drinking, flossing, and brushing.

Consider Orthodontic Treatment for a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles

Always remember that orthodontic treatment isn’t only for children or teens. Researchers have even studied them on patients already in their 60s! Most importantly, braces create not only perfect smiles but also healthier teeth.

So, if you have crooked teeth yourself, consider undergoing orthodontic treatment. The sooner you do, the sooner you can improve your overall oral health.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.