Designing Best ‘about us’ Page

Designing Best ‘about us’ Page

The first impression is 99% consider as the last one. A book starts with a page full of index coverage. Similarly, a website about us page acts as the introduction of all aspects. It should not only cover the power pack information or details, it should be designed in such a captivating way that all going through users stop and visit the site. In this article, we are presenting some tips to make your website about us page attractive.

Designing about us page:

First, you should have a small column in which you can share your developmental story.

  • Introduction (brief description about team and team services, products)
  • Problem (introduce the problem you have faced)
  • Rise ( share solution to the problem)
  • Solution (how’s your business get balanced or profit)
  • What’s next (what is the goal of your company)

About us, the page should be simple but interacts user’s attention. You could make you about us page by adopting these techniques.

  • Stylish imagery layout:

 By combining a simple and clean layout with some stylish images gives an attractive page design. Helping video as the introductory video engages the user’s mind to stay and learn more about the website.

E.g. Instagram profile page

  • Bold featured colors:

The Black and white combination always looks stylish. Bold colors show that something is interesting. If you will highlight every point on the page, then it will distract attention as important information is difficult to get. Thus bold the highlighted information.

  • Wide margins:

Margins are borders around the main part. Minimal elements on wide margins show useful pieces of information. The body looks clear and gives a relaxing factor.

  • Handcrafted type:

The handcrafted feature gives a new look to the page. It appears different as some supporting images with white space balance everything out. This adds to the contact with brands.

  • Vibrant palette:

Some sharp, mindful, and stylized illustrations help in building a page more informative as well as playful. These ideas add some fun, and unique features to the page with main keywords.

There are many top-rated web design agency Pakistan that give 100 percent result of their hard work and skillful efforts standing with skillful and informative content and website building plans.

  • Team photos:

Group or team photos add on a captivating impression on the about us page. As the about us page is detailed with the services offers, then the sophisticated photo helps to know about the whole team or teammates who will provide these services.

  • Two colors palette:

Two colors palette just describe the foreground and background. You have to make the color scheme in such a way that every point is visible in the background. The white-black combination is very common to attract users’ minds. But if you write black fonts on black background, then it is not visible be seen.

  • Modular layout:

This layout consists of triangles, rectangles dividing the whole page into a ladder form to get main points quicker. A modular layout with warm tones on the about us page invites customers to visit their profiles.

  • Creating Bios:

When a customer visits your site, he searches more about your products and services. Thus having an introductory file attached with the profile using a centralized graphic and two full-length portraits engaged others.

  • Romantic layout:

Colored flowers and feathers borders help the photographer to design a wedding card or invitation. This feature and handcraft design will present a sophisticated, clean, and simple layout that expresses joy.

About us page examples:

Examples of some top rated and perfectly designed “about us” page are described below;

  • WP standard
  • Mailchimp
  • Cotopaxi
  • 40 colors

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.