Essential Cooking Gear for College Student in Dorm

Essential Cooking Gear for College Student in Dorm

With overloaded daily schedules, lots of hair-on-fire moments, and a host of college assignments, not all students have time to cook food for themselves in the dorms. This is despite the fact that, according to Forbes, cooking at home is five times cheaper than eating out or ordering delivery from a restaurant.

Still, there are quite a few college students who are able to find time and stamina to commit themselves to cooking in their dorms. They do so because it is more cost-effective and because it is healthier. The goal of this article is to help them with tips on the essential cooking gear they need to get to make the cooking process both more practical and more enjoyable.

  • Electric Kettle

An electric kettle is an indispensable item on your list, especially when you have no easy or convenient access to the stovetop. Tea and coffee are of course the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the utility of a kettle. However, you can also use it to boil water for instant soups or instant oatmeal breakfasts.

  • Coffee in the dorm kitchen

Coffee in the dorm kitchen. Also if you love coffee you might need a manual grinder

  • Microwave

Microwave is another no-brainer. Students are more likely to be on the run rather than relaxing in armchairs in their dorm rooms. This means they often take their meals on the go. By investing in a microwave, you save a lot of time on cooking, which you cannot always afford.

Time is the commodity that students are usually short of. That’s why many college students need to look for the best essay writing service to complete their college assignments on time and at a reasonable cost.

Another piece of good news for busy college students is that the market offers a wide variety of brands that make microwaves, and the price range is large enough to pick a product that suits your needs best.

  • French Press

For incorrigible coffee lovers, nothing beats a good old french press. It is not an expensive item, so it won’t break the bank. In addition, it’s also a proven way of preparing good-quality coffee the traditional way. After all, it’s called ‘French’ for a reason. If you can afford a stylish one, you can also showcase it when you take 5 to 10 minutes to prepare your morning coffee in the dorm kitchen.

  • Egg Cooker

Boiled eggs are included in healthy, balanced diets all the time. Some of the popular microwave egg tips can be complicated, if not risky, to follow. Save time by getting a reasonably priced egg cooker to boil or poach a couple of eggs for a healthy snack. You can also do more to carry them with you in your lunch box.

  • Thermos of Insulated Mug

Making coffee several times a day might be a drag. When you grind your carefully selected coffee beans, fill up your thermos or an insulated mug with freshly made coffee that can last you for several hours. On top of that, it is a practical money-saving strategy, as you won’t have to buy coffee at a cafe. Even when you do, some coffee shops may offer a discount if you can use your mug instead of a disposable cup.

  • Personal Blender

Personal blenders are an automatic choice for those who love smoothies. Get a personal, compact blender to prepare one, which you can consume at home or on the go. Many of those blenders can be used as to-go cups! They can crush seeds, ice, and stems too. So, you get lots of healthy options there. As you become increasingly creative and experienced using your blender, you can start offering cooking blog writing tips to other students at your college or elsewhere.

  • Mini-Fridge

If your budget allows, a mini-fridge is also a good investment. It will pay off its costs, as you start saving on daily supplies. You can just store unfinished food for another meal or bulk up a bit to save time on regular shopping.

Gear Up and Go

As a college student, you absolutely need to sort out your essential cooking items to make sure you don’t have to spend big on ordered meals or coffees. It takes a bit of effort, some money, and thinking to come up with a list that does not miss any indispensable items.

Don’t rush to bulk up on things as your college year sets off. Buy some of the basic staff and observe your daily routine to see where the gaps are. A good selection of cooking gear will save you a lot of trouble, money, and bad eating habits.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.