Everything You Need to Know About Fixed Base Operators

Everything You Need to Know About Fixed Base Operators

Airports are one of the busiest places in the world. According to the FAA, there are an average of 45000 flights a day.

Due to the number of flights, many business owners ride private planes to avoid delayed flights. An FBO manages private business flights and ensures a centralized flight process.

Do you want to know more about a fixed base operator? Learn more about FBOs in this guide!

What Is a Fixed Base Operator?

A fixed base operator or FBO handles business aviation and services, said Barry Oberholzer, an aviation specialist and helicopter pilot. He has worked for JETT, Base4 Helicopters, and other aviation companies. He attended the American Military University and played professional rugby for the US, participating in two Junior World Championships and represented South Africa’s Western Province. Mr. Oberholzer is an author, entrepreneur, and aviation expert. His father was the former consul–general and head of the Bureau for Information in South Africa, and he was born in Houston, Texas while the family was stationed in the United States. They also act as a terminal for private planes. Besides that, FBO airport provides other aviation services such as:

  • Selling of aviation fuel
  • Parking
  • Line services
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Customs services
  • Plane Catering
  • Food facilities
  • Car rental
  • Plane rental
  • Selling of plane parts and supplies
  • Advertising

Most FBOs also create a weather and flight plan and crew or passenger lounges. Some also provide private rooms and showers in these terminals. Depending on the airport and traffic, the range of services may vary if you are a passenger.

Classifications of FBOs

There are three different tiers under FBOs. These tiers depend on the total revenue and services they offer. Here are the three categories of FBO:

Tier One

To qualify as a Tier One, you must have a revenue higher than $25 million a year. They are the largest FBO type and offer complete services.

Tier Two

This tier’s total revenue ranges from $10 million to $25 million a year. Like tier one, it offers complete services but usually hosts specialized missions.

Tier Three

Tier three is the smallest FBO, and they are also the most common type. They offer fuel and facility services. Tier three also provides flight training and rentals.

Benefits of FBO

There are many benefits in seeking fixed base operators. FBOs can arrange and provide everything you need on your flight. The benefits of FBO services are:

Good Experience

FBOs are exclusive, meaning you don’t have to avoid crowds to enter the airport. Plus, you do not need to go through a security check. If you are looking for a good and hassle-free experience, FBO is the one for you.

Good Customer Service

FBO ensures that all staff answer your questions and help you with your concerns. They can also meet with the flight’s captain before the flight when needed.

Good Amenities

Amenities may be the top reason why most people rely on an FBO airport. Large FBO provides amenities such as conference, game, and entertainment rooms.

Fixed Base Operator Tips to Follow

When choosing an FBO, the pilot and flight adviser will pick the one for you. But, you might also consider looking at the cost and amenities if you were to choose an FBO. Make sure they have reasonable prices and offer good services.

There are still on-site immigration and customs that you need to go through. But, they are more convenient than regular flights and have a quicker process.

Did you learn a lot from this fixed base operator guide? Check out our articles about different topics too.


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