Going Back to a Convention? 7 Design Tips for Event Booths

Going Back to a Convention? 7 Design Tips for Event Booths

Conventions. Are. Back. It’s been a long time but it’s finally safe to meet in groups again and experience awesome events together. If you have an upcoming convention or event it might be time to build an event booth or upgrade your existing booth.

Great event booths share a few essential features – they are informative, eye-catching, and unique from competitors. This article will share 7 design tips to consider as you build your event booth!

  1. Make Your Message Memorable

Messaging matters. When you’re considering booth ideas for events, don’t forget that the content is as important as the visuals and designs. You want the audience to connect with your company’s message and remember what you can offer and how you can help them.

Think about a short, simple, slogan and feature it prominently at your booth. Use a large, readable font and keep the essential information above waist height so that passersby can read it.

What makes information memorable? Could you use rhyme or alliteration? Get creative when drafting your event booth content to ensure you make the most of it!

Above all, your booth needs to make it clear what you do. The last thing you want is for guests to walk away thinking you had a great booth but wondering what the company does.

  1. Interestingly Interactive

Do you remember going to museums as a child and running straight toward the interactive exhibits? Adults, much like children, prefer when they can touch, smell, or taste something in addition to looking at it.

Think about fun booth ideas for events that use an interactive element. Could you use a game with prizes? Or offer a product demo to allow guests to test items for themselves?

A few other interactive ideas include quizzes, surveys, and interactive screens. Depending on your business, you can decide what kind of interactive activity is right for you. Don’t be afraid to get silly with your ideas – people will remember it!

And along the same lines, create something unexpected. Get your audience’s attention by choosing an interactive element or feature that they wouldn’t expect from you. For example, if you are setting up an event booth for your bank, why not set up a pop-a-shot with the bank’s logo on it. Who says banking has to be boring?

Regardless of what you choose, have fun with it. If you think it’s entertaining and fun chances are other people will too.

  1. Multimedia Madness

You wouldn’t believe the kind of event booth design ideas companies are bringing to life in 2021. They will be bigger and better than ever before.

For example, an event booth that plays a video showing a product in action. Or a video with interviews from satisfied customers or employees. Video content is more likely to draw attention to your booth than written content.

If you don’t think your booth lends itself to video content, what about music? Or a slideshow of photos? Multimedia can be a powerful way to make an impression at an event.

Have an idea for an amazing event booth but you’re not sure how you’ll build it? Check out Rockwayexhibits.com to take the next step in building your booth.

  1. A Need for Negative Space

Avoid the temptation to fill every inch of your event booth. When the booth is jam-packed it looks cluttered and it’s less pleasing for visitors. Marketing materials should have about 40% empty space for optimal viewing.

Less is more when it comes to booth content. Narrow down your graphics and messaging to the most important elements and forget the rest. You can manipulate your audience’s attention to the most important facts, figures, or messages you want them to take away from your booth.

  1. People Are Powerful

The best booth is the one with the most knowledgeable, friendly people. It’s easy to get distracted by the bells and whistles of a booth and forget to train the hosts.

Hosting a booth is a unique skill. You have to be approachable and friendly without seeming pushy or overeager. Choose representatives that can talk about your group or company in an exciting way. Their enthusiasm will spread to each person that visits the booth.

Take time to train and rehearse with the hosts of the booth. Give them an opportunity to rehearse before the event.

  1. Open Is Optimal 

Depending on booth regulations for your event, consider an open concept booth. It’s a way to invite guests inside the booth and interact further with the material.

Traditional tables and tri-fold posters are a thing of the past! The open concept booth is the future. Check out a few design examples online and see for yourself how unique this setup is.

  1. Boost the Brand

No matter what type of content you are creating for your company, it needs to align with your brand. That means messaging, colors, graphics, logos, etc. Creating a recognizable brand will help booth visitors remember you and understand the company’s purpose and its values.

You should also have continuity between your booth and other materials your company shares. For example, what if Google had a booth and decided not to use their signature primary and secondary colors logo? Would they be as recognizable to the audience at an event? Probably not.

Successful Event Booths

Wondering how to have a booth at an event that everyone remembers? Follow the tips above! Think about making the most of your space while leaving room for negative space. Your booth should have memorable content but should never look cluttered.

Think about creative ways you can stand out in the crowd. Consider interactive elements, unexpected features, and playful content. And above all, have passionate, excitable people to represent the company at any event booths you have in the future. They are an essential part of an important first impression!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com