WhatsApp to delay new privacy policy

WhatsApp to delay new privacy policy

WhatsApp has announced a three-month delay of a new privacy policy which was originally decided to come into effect on February 8th. Due to widespread confusion over whether the new policy would mandate data sharing with Facebook, WhatsApp has delayed its policy for three months. 

WhatsApp to delay new privacy policy

This update doesn’t affect data sharing with Facebook to user chats or other profile information. Also, WhatsApp has repeatedly clarified that its update addresses business chats when a user talks with a company’s customer service platform via WhatsApp.

The company stated in a blog that “People have so much confusion with our recent update and it’s been a lot of misinformation causing concern but we want to help everyone understand our principles and the facts related to WhatsApp.” 

It is well known that since 2016, WhatsApp has shared certain information with Facebook, including contact number. If you were one of the select few users who chose to opt out of data sharing otherwise, the option was still available that year. It has been made clear that WhatsApp does not look at your chat messages or listen to phone calls and obviously, WhatsApp conversations are end-to-end encrypted to protect against all abuses.

Above all, WhatsApp pop-up is informing users of the new change, mentioning how WhatsApp partners with Facebook and also included instructions how to delete their accounts if they did not agree to the new terms and policies. It gave idea to people for being compelled into new invasive terms. The company also cleared up the confusion that specifies what information is protected and not shared while using WhatsApp.

Effects of WhatsApp new privacy policy –

Soon after, several media reports have highlighted the privacy policy on social media which results in surging sign-ups for messaging competitors like Signal and Telegram. Instagram chief Adam Mosseri and WhatsApp head Will Cathcart tweeted to clear up the confusion but nothing was changed much. Facebook’s poor privacy track record has destroyed trust in the chat app, effecting into a worldwide controversy. Now, WhatsApp has delayed its privacy policy for three-months to better personal chats, location sharing and other sensitive data. In addition, WhatsApp mentioned that no one will lose access to the app if new terms of service agreement will not be communicated. 

That is foolhardy. On the off chance that industry needs to guarantee that the 5G rollout is full of deferrals and clashes, it would do precisely the thing it’s doing, which is contrive with Big Government to quietness individuals with exceptionally solid and authentic perspectives on the appearances of their communities.That doesn’t imply that there wasn’t a great deal of disinformation streaming in the course of the most recent multi week. On the off chance that you’re the sort of individual who was at that point on Signal, you’ve likely been gotten some information about whether individuals should switch application.

What’s more, you’ve additionally presumably been asked, “is WhatsApp perusing my gatherings and messages?” And the basic answer is no, your messages aren’t being perused (except if you’re the objective of something like the Pegasus hack, or somebody approaches your telephone, or approaches your reinforcements on the cloud… there will consistently be a few exemptions). WhatsApp utilizes the very start to finish encryption that Signal does, and not at all like Telegram, WhatsApp turns E2E on as a matter of course taking all things together talks, while you need to start a mysterious visit in Telegram.

The Company still intends to release the update on May 15th and hopes the extra time will help it get a control on the controversy and improve its messaging features.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com