How can you Evaluate and Select Fall Protection Equipment?

How can you Evaluate and Select Fall Protection Equipment?

According to the stats, almost 42 percent of the deaths at the workplace happens because of falls. This might not be the right statistic for all the industries out there, but at the same time, these stats highlight the better implementation of the fall protection PPE and processes. 

Selecting a method and equipment that fits the workplace should always be on the top of your priority list. Although there is no one-size-fits-all choice for choosing the right solution, there are a few considerations that you can always look for. 

Different types of fall protection methods 

Fall prevention 

In this method, the fall is prevented by using a barrier between a fall hazard and the worker. So, we can say that the primary goal of this type of method is to stop the worker from reaching the fall hazard. Some of the best solutions used for fall prevention are cover over holes and guardrails around unprotected edges. 

Fall resistant 

In fall prevention, the main goal is to remove the hazard, but in fall resistance, the main goal is to prevent the employees from reaching the fall hazard. This is mainly done with the help of a tie-off system that includes a belt or body harness and a fixed-length lanyard. This is primarily used when workers work near the edge of the hazard. 

Selecting the right type of fall prevention equipment 

If you are going for a safety harness rental, it becomes crucial to make sure that you choose the right equipment. 


Guardrails are a necessary part of the fall prevention method, and with guardrails, the workers no longer need to wear lanyards or harnesses. But if the workers are accessing multiple floors vertically, then lanyards and harnesses may still be required despite the presence of guardrails. 

Some of the most common areas where guardrails can be installed are;

  • Platforms 
  • Balconies 
  • Decked floors
  • Mobile work surface
  • Rooftops and many others 

Toe Boards 

Toeboards are a type of wall that is built at the edge of an elevated platform. Usually, 2X4 inch-sized wood is used for toeboards, and this piece of wood is nailed horizontally along a roof at different places. 

The main goal of using a toeboard is to stop small pieces of equipment from falling over an elevation. So, when you plan to go for a safety harness rental, you must consider installing a toeboard as well. 

Since the toeboard helps prevent the fall of any piece of equipment, it also keeps workers safe from any sudden knee-jerk reaction for rescuing the equipment. 

Holer covers 

If you go by the guidelines outlined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration, you will realize that it is crucial to cover all the platform holes at the workplace. This helps in preventing objects and people from falling through. 

But the hole cover should permanently be installed correctly as with the proper installation; it acts as a barrier with no opening for any debris to pass through. For hole covers, both plastic sheets and plywoods can be used. 

In addition to installing the hole cover properly, it is necessary to label every hole cover without labeling; people will cross over the hole cover carelessly. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are going for a safety harness rental or buying any safety equipment, choosing the right equipment for the right purpose is necessary. Always go through the different safety equipment, understand their purpose, and install them at your workplace. 

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.