How Technology Is Transforming The Dental Industry.

How Technology Is Transforming The Dental Industry.

It is fair to say that for many decades both adults and children did not look forward to having to go to see the dentist even though it was only for one or two times a year. We feel incredibly vulnerable sitting under a bright light and then having someone stick a number of dental tools into our mouths to check if we have many cavities and if our teeth are in good shape. We all understand that we need to take care of our teeth but it doesn’t make this procedure any easier and now that society is so caught up in how people look, having the right kind of smile has never been more important. Thankfully technology helps out a great deal and so it has made a visit to the dentist a lot easier, quicker and a lot less painful.


It wouldn’t be fair to say that people now look forward to going to the dentist but it has now become a lot more bearable and it is definitely not something to be feared. This is because these modern dentists have the right dental IT support that allows them to use the many new technological advancements for better treatment and prevention. Technology has had a great impact on the dental profession and there have been numerous innovations recently introduced to make a visit to the dentist more enjoyable. The following are just some of the top innovations currently available in the dental industry.


* The smart toothbrush – We have many smart devices all around our homes including our television sets and our smartphones. It makes sense then that we should start introducing smart devices into our bathrooms and one item that is very ideal is a toothbrush that has a sensor in it to figure out your brushing habits. The purpose of the smart electric toothbrush is to make sure that you are brushing your teeth correctly so that you get the best results so that you can prevent cavities. It is a great option for young children who are just starting off brushing their teeth and there are numerous apps available to children that can offer them games and other incentives to get them to clean their teeth properly.


* Teledentistry – This is a very exciting new innovation that is perfect for people who just don’t like to go to the dentist who can’t go. I am of course talking about people with disabilities and also the elderly who find it difficult to leave their homes to go to see the dentist. This is where teledentistry comes into its own because it can offer dental services over the Internet and it allows the dentist to capture images, to take notes about the patient and then to be able to send that information to other dentists. The patient can actually have a live consultation with the dentist using video and if the dentist doesn’t see an issue, then they can suggest that the person come in to visit them.

There are also digital dentures, augmented reality and intra-oral cameras that can make a visit to the dentist something that you might actually look forward to and it’s just the beginning.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.