How to Choose Cannabis Concentrate Packaging for your Products?

How to Choose Cannabis Concentrate Packaging for your Products?

The packaging of cannabis products should capture the attention of your customers. Protect your product from damage, and ensure that your business complies with the law. Here’s everything you need to know to choose the best  concentrate packaging for your products and the best marijuana packing companies to work with.

Appearance and branding

First impressions matter and the outer wrapping is your customers’ very first introduction to your product. Everything from your logo to the finish of your custom concentrate packaging affects the emotions evoked in potential buyers. Legal cannabis branding has started to move away from cliché stoner images like huge pot leaves and Rastafarian-inspired colors and is now embracing a whole air of luxury and exclusivity.

 Luxury marijuana concentrate packaging is often clean and minimalist or overly chic, but in either case, made from high-quality materials. The medical cannabis packing has clean, minimalist design elements that underscore the relief that the product promises.

Child safety compliance

The biggest responsibility of the legal marijuana industry is to ensure that cannabis stays out of the hands of minors. It is imperative that all child-resistant wrapping complies with the US patent. Federal code 16 CFR 1700, which applies to poison control packing. However, each state has its own rules, regulations, and additional labeling requirements for marijuana products, and these rules are revised frequently. The goal of child-resistant cannabis concentrate packaging is to make opening significantly difficult for children under the age of five, but not difficult for most functional adults including the elderly or the elderly. other people with limited hand strength.

Ideally, packing should be easy to use and attractive enough to ensure that consumers continue to store unused cannabis instead of putting it in various wrapping less resistant to children. Other measures for packing cannabis for children include the use of opaque containers. Especially for edibles that look like children’s favorites such as cookies or candy and designed illustrations/color schemes. not to attract children or adolescents.


Another trend in the legal cannabis market is the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly wrapping where possible. Environmentally conscious consumers are more likely to buy if the wrapping also looks environmentally friendly for example, made of wood, glass, or recycled cardboard. Popular sustainable packing materials include:

Glass one of the easiest materials to recycle and attracts consumers to be recyclable. High-Density Polyethylene Plastic BPA free does not leach chemicals into the soil and is widely accepted by most recycling facilities. Polypropylene plastic recyclable, lightweight, dishwasher is safe, and naturally mold resistant.

Flexible or rigid packing

Packing options fall into two types flexible and rigid packaging. Rigid wrapping such as glass, metal, or plastic is sturdy, keeps the product well protected, and can often be recycled. However, bags and handbags are a flexible option with many advantages in themselves.  Bags designed for cannabis products are difficult to tear or puncture, cheaper than most hard materials, take up less storage space, and require less transportation energy. Although these bags are not recyclable, they are generally biodegradable.

The best marijuana packing by product type


Cannabis pre-roll wrapping protects joints from damage and odors and takes advantage of the discreet portability that makes pre-roll so appealing. The most popular pre-roll wrapping is the odor-resistant individual pop-top tubes. However, the front rollers can also be packed in childproof zipper boxes or triangular tube boxes. Bagging multiple pre-rolls is an option, but it’s always best to put each joint in a protective plastic tube if you go this route.


The best wrapping options for marijuana flowers are odor-resistant bags or child-resistant glass tubes or jars. Because flowers can be particularly crisp and prone to damage when exposed to the elements, both airtight and resealable wrapping is especially important.


The edible cannabis products market covers a wide range of products, from traditional cannabis brownings to CBD honey sticks and cannabis-infused drinks. Packing options for edibles include food-grade FDA approved packing for disposables, as well as jars, cans, bags, pouches, bottles, and boxes for larger quantities.

A durable structured stand up pouch packaging design will keep your products environmentally friendly.

The THC Concentrate Packaging of edible products must be able to be resealed if it contains more than one serving. CBD edibles for pets can be packaged in the same way as edibles for human consumption.

Vape pens and cartridges

Childproof cardboard zipper boxes are a popular option for cannabis covering with a wide range of customization options. Blister wrapping clamshell is another durable and economical choice for vapor pens, cartridges, and other e-liquid products. To make your vaping cartridges stand out from the crowd, some cannabis wrapping companies even offer to screen print or laser engrave your logo or another badge directly on each cartridge.

Medical marijuana products:

Medical marijuana packing for products such as absorbable oils, tinctures, gel capsules, and topical ointments are similar to those for conventional medical products. Plastic or glass tubes or prescription jars are great for capsules. Some marijuana covering companies also offer leaves where each gel capsule is individually sealed.

Glass or plastic jars are popular choices for ointments and lotions. Oils and tinctures can be packaged in opaque glass vials or vials with a child-resistant dropper or syringe to ensure proper dosage. These bottles or flasks can be packed in a pretty box or cardboard tube, leaving plenty of room for your brand photos. Syringes or droppers can be individually packaged in tubes similar to those on rolls.

Cannabis seeds

The THC concentrate packaging of marijuana seeds should be airtight, sealed, and opaque. Protect from light and moisture, and avoid the possibility of premature germination in the packing. Cannabis seeds can be sold in bags or mylar bags or resealable glass jars or bottles.

Leave pockets

Disposable bags in which cannabis products leave the pharmacy after purchase are an important part of the pharmacy’s wrapping. Depending on the condition, pharmacy outlet bags may be stored according to criteria such as childproof, sealed, and opaque. This additional measure keeps pharmacy purchases discreet and less attractive to minors.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.