How to Delete Contacts on iPhone?

How to Delete Contacts on iPhone?

In order to delete a Contact from an iPhone, the simple way that you should be followed that will also be discussed here. The way of deleting the contact from an iPhone is very easy and is concluded in the very simple steps to follow. You just need to follow the steps and then you will be able to delete the contact that you want to delete. It is your choice that which contact that you want to delete or not. Sometimes a user saves a contact number just for the current working purpose and after a while he wants to delete the contact from his iPhone if you are one of those people who want to delete the contact number from their iPhone then you are at the place where we will define the way of deleting the contact from an iPhone. It is very simple to delete a contact from an iPhone or from another brand of Mobile phone.

iPhone Mobile

An iPhone mobile is one of the best brand for the users to use and do their work on it. The speed, the quality and the features of iPhone are very good for a user to use and to perform the task in a convenient way. You can do your every kind of work with the help of iPhone because iPhone provides higher memory as compare to other Android mobile phones. You can do your work on iPhone without feeling tired because the speeding of this Mobile is very fast and most of the people buy such kind of mobile phones just because of their features or qualities that are in the iPhone

Is iPhone expensive or not?

Yes, iPhone is expensive mobile as compare to other mobile brands because the features in this mobile, no other mobile brand has. That is why, it is expensive from other mobile phone brands, this mobile is not affordable to everyone. There are few of the users who have iPhone for their using purposes but most of the people are not using this brand. Although, there is a desire of every person to buy such an outstanding mobile but they can’t afford such an expensive mobile for their working purposes. The memory of an iPhone is very high and everyone can easily be installed any kind of program or application on it in a quick time. 

iPhone vs Other brands

the iPhone mobile is a brand of Apple and Apple is one of the best brand in the world. It is included in the top of the brands that are famous all over the world. The other brands are not as good as an iPhone is and iPhone has lot of features just for its users so that they can use iPhone without any kind of difficulty or facing a problem while using an iPhone. If you can afford iPhone then you must buy it because it is a mobile that is most better than other mobile phone brands. iPhone is expensive and the parts of an iPhone are also expensive to buy, when your iPhone is damaged and goes to repairing then the technician will charge more because it is expensive to repair. 

Delete a contact on an iPhone

If you want to delete a contact from an iPhone then you should read this article very carefully and with a great attention. You will learn or know the way of deleting a contact from an iPhone very easily in this article. The beginners don’t know the right way of deleting the contact from their iPhone because they are new to use an iPhone and they don’t know the way of deleting the contacts from an iPhone. We are here for those people who don’t have an experience to use an iPhone and delete a contact on iPhone. By reading this article, all the people whoever new to use iPhone will easily be learn the method to delete a contact on iPhone

Way to delete a contact on an iPhone

The way to delete a contact from an iPhone is very simple and easy because there is no difficulty in deleting a contact from an iPhone.

  1. First of all, when you are at the Home Screen of your iPhone, you should go to the contact list that is in the iPhone.
  2. After clicking on the contact list that is in your iPhone, there will appear all the contacts that are saved in your iPhone
  3. Find the contact that you want to delete it or remove it from your iPhone.
  4. When you find a contact tap and hold it for more options or you can click on three dots button that is on the contact.
  5. After clicking on the three dots button, you should click on the delete option.
  6. The contact will be deleted after clicking on the delete option. 

When you delete a contact, the contact will be deleted from your device and there will no contact will left in your device. You can block a contact too by following the same procedure that you followed to delete a contact from an iPhone mobile. A user blocks a contact when a person gets tired from the person who irritate him. When a person irritates you, you have an option or a choice to block him. After blocking a contact from an iPhone, the will not be able to contact you in any way. 


For deleting a contact, you have to follow the steps that are necessary to follow. There are six steps that are easy and very simple for a beginner to follow the steps and then apply them in practical. After performing the steps practically, a beginner will be able to delete a contact from an iPhone in an easy way. By deleting a contact, you can block a contact too in order to get rid from a person who irritates you but you have a choice to block such kind of persons.


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