How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Wor Relic

How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Wor Relic

Synthetic monitoring involves simulating user interactions to mimic real user journeys across web applications, APIs, or services. By deploying synthetic tests from various global locations, organizations gain insights into performance, availability, and functionality. New Relic offers a suite of features that empower businesses to create, execute, and analyze synthetic tests efficiently.

Setting Up Synthetic Tests

  1. Defining Test Scenarios: Begin by identifying critical user journeys and functionalities. Whether it’s login processes, form submissions, or specific page loads, articulate the paths users take through your application.
  2. Creating Monitor Scripts: New Relic Synthetics provides a scripting environment allowing the creation of sophisticated test scenarios. Leverage scripting languages like JavaScript to simulate user actions accurately.
  3. Configuring Test Locations: Determine the geographical regions from which tests will run. Assessing performance disparities across different locations helps in optimizing global user experiences.

Implementing Advanced Monitoring Strategies

  1. Diversifying Test Types: New Relic enables a range of tests such as simple ping checks, scripted browser tests, and API tests. Deploy diverse test types to comprehensively evaluate system performance.
  2. Monitoring Third-Party Services: Evaluate the performance of third-party services integrated into your application. Monitor APIs, CDNs, or payment gateways to preemptively identify potential bottlenecks.
  3. Setting Alert Conditions: Define alert conditions based on specific thresholds to receive notifications when performance metrics deviate from the expected norms. This proactive approach ensures prompt issue resolution.

Analyzing Test Results

  1. Dashboard Customization: Utilize New Relic’s dashboard capabilities to create custom visualizations of synthetic test data. Monitor trends and spot anomalies swiftly.
  2. Performance Insights: Analyze historical data to identify patterns and pinpoint recurring issues. This data-driven approach facilitates proactive optimizations and fine-tuning.
  3. Integration with Other New Relic Products: Leverage New Relic’s ecosystem by integrating synthetic monitoring data with APM (Application Performance Monitoring) and infrastructure monitoring for a holistic view of system health.

Continuous Optimization and Improvement

  1. Iterative Test Refinement: Regularly review and refine test scripts to align with evolving application functionalities. Keep tests updated to ensure relevance and accuracy.
  2. Collaborative Analysis: Encourage collaboration between development, operations, and QA teams to leverage synthetic monitoring insights for continuous improvement strategies.
  3. Periodic Review and Scaling: As your application evolves, revisit synthetic test coverage. Scale monitoring efforts to accommodate new features, functionalities, or user pathways.


In today’s digital ecosystem, user expectations for seamless experiences are non-negotiable. New Relic’s Synthetic Monitoring offers a robust platform to proactively detect and rectify performance issues, ensuring optimal user experiences. By following the steps outlined in this guide and consistently leveraging New Relic’s capabilities, businesses can achieve superior application performance, enhance user satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Synthetic monitoring with New Relic isn’t just about detecting problems; it’s a proactive strategy empowering businesses to continually refine and perfect their digital offerings, ensuring consistent high performance and user satisfaction.
