How to Rank Your Personal Blog In Google: A Complete Guide

If you’re thinking about starting your own personal blog, then you’ve probably also started wondering how to get it noticed by the Google search engine. And that’s fair enough – because the vast majority of people who use Google to look for things on the Internet will never stumble across your blog unless you tell them where it is and tell them how to find it. Even if you have a lot of friends who are happy to see you start your own blog and will be happy to share it with their own friends, that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to help you out with getting found in Google. So how do you rank your personal blog in Google? Well, fortunately there are plenty of experts out there who know just about everything when it comes to ranking websites in search engines. And fortunately for us all, many of those experts have been kind enough to write articles about exactly that topic for countless websites.
Google is the Gateway to Blogging Success
If you’re hoping to make a living from your blog (or if you just want to build an audience of loyal readers and expand your network, whatever your reason might be), you need to be found. The only way people will find your blog is if they search for it, and so being found by Google is your gateway to blogging success. Now, it’s not all about Google. If you want to see real results from blogging, you need to be sharing your content on social media as well. Blogging lets you control the content that’s presented to your audience, so you can set yourself up as an authority in your niche, and then encourage people to follow you across different social media platforms.
Step 1: Decide on Your SEO Strategy
If you’re new to blogging, you may not be familiar with what ‘SEO’ is. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’, and it refers to the ways you can optimize your blog posts, your website, and even the way your blog is laid out, to help Google find you more easily and display your blog posts in a prominent place in their search engine results. The best way to decide on your SEO strategy is to think about who your target audience is, and what they might be searching for. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to rank in Google. If you write a blog post about ‘How to Start a Successful Blog’, you’re likely to find it difficult to rank for this keyword. There will be millions of other blogs and websites out there that are also trying to rank for this keyword, so you’ll be in a very competitive area.
Step 2: Select Keywords for Your Blog
This is where you’ll be able to get creative and really differentiate yourself from the crowd. While you don’t want to go overboard and start keyword stuffing (which Google frowns upon), you do want to use relevant keywords that people might be searching for when they’re looking for content like yours. Now, you’ll want to make sure that the keywords you’re selecting for your blog are relevant to the content you’re creating. You don’t want to keyword stuff your blog posts and select keywords that don’t make any sense or aren’t relevant to your blog.
Step 3: Write Great Content
There’s no shortcut to high rankings in Google. If you want to rank well, you need to post high-quality, in-depth content on a regular basis. It’s easier to rank for specific keywords if you have more content to show on Google’s search engine results pages. There are plenty of SEO tips and tricks you can apply to help get your blog posts noticed by Google, but at the end of the day, the content you produce is what really matters. If you want to be found by Google, your blog posts need to be SEO gold.
Step 4: Add Rich Media and Embed Content
Now, this isn’t just another way of saying, ‘make sure your blog posts are full of great content’. You can do plenty of other things to help ensure your blog posts are seen by Google and that they rank as highly as possible. Add images to your blog posts and make sure that they’re relevant to the topic you’re discussing. You can also add videos and audios to your blog posts, which can be an excellent way to keep your readers’ attention and make your blog posts even more appealing. You can also embed other relevant blogs, images, and websites on your own blog. You can do this by adding an iframe to your blog post. This will allow you to include other relevant content on your blog posts without needing to link it to your own blog.
Step 5: Monitor your progress
Google Adwords has a really helpful tool that allows you to track and monitor your blog’s progress. By signing into your Google Adwords account, you can select the ‘Keyword Planner’ tool, and then enter the search terms you’ve used for your blog posts. You can then see how many people are searching for those terms each month, and how many of those people are clicking through to your blog. The tool will even let you know how many people click through to your website from Google, how much the click-through rate is, and how much you’re likely to make from each person who clicks through. This is a very useful way of keeping track of your progress, and it’s certainly something that every blogger should be doing.
Now that you know what it takes to rank your blog in Google, there’s no excuse for not starting your own blog. If you have something to say, and you want to be heard, then there’s no better way than blogging to do it. You don’t need any fancy equipment or a ton of money in order to get your blog off the ground. All you need is an internet connection, a computer, and a willingness to put in the hours required to create truly compelling, useful content. Now that you know how to rank your blog in Google, there’s no excuse for not starting your own blog.