How to use Micro-influencers to grow your business

How to use Micro-influencers to grow your business

The best way to grow your business is by use of micro-influencers”, they say. But how do you do it? Where do you start? Beginning and maintaining it are two different things altogether. Finding and vetting the influencers is just the beginning. Moreover, you want to create content that your followers will love. So how do employers use micro-influencers in the most effective way for your business? 

Before going for micro-influencers, you need to have a just reason why you think micro-influencers best suit your business model. Micro-influencers are more engaging and do not require breaking your bank as compared to other forms of influencer marketing such as celebrity marketing. Businesses prefer marketers with less than 100000 followers with more than 53% of businesses recommending those with 10000 to 1000000 followers. Having followers is of prime importance, remember you can buy Instagram followers to boost your reach. Below are ways you can use micro-influencers to grow your business.

1. Run a Referral Program

On its own, a referral program can be very instrumental in expanding the reach of your brand. It produces magnificent results if combined with influencer marketing. But where do you start? Do you have brand advocates? While choosing influencers, ensure that you choose those with great reach and with great experience using the product. Thereafter, ask them to promote and recommend the products to their followers. This can be done at an incentivized or discounted price.

2. Give Promo codes

Promo codes play a huge role in boosting sales. Better still, this strategy delivers instant results. At times, customers sit on the fence, they fail to decide to purchase products. Are you in such a scenario? Do you have leads but no website traffic? Promo codes incentivize customers, therefore, leading to an increase in sales. Even so, using promo codes together with the micro-influencer is more effective. Give micro-influencers that you work with promo codes so they promote them on their channels.

To make it impactful, have the micro-influencers write a short, simple, and the catchy message about their experience with the product. While at it, let them share the codes which their followers can use to purchase the product on your site. Each influencer should have a unique code just so you can track individual performance. Even better, unique codes make followers feel they are getting a sacrosanct deal. Have you used micro-influencers before? How did you track the performance of each influencer? You want to embrace the use of promo codes together with micro-influencers to boost your sales.

3. Create Targeted Video Content

Another great way to grow your business is by use of micro-influencers in the creation of video content. Video content provides very crucial information. Moreover, video content is more digestible and more engaging. You get to see and visualize how exactly the products can be used. How do you use video content with micro-influencers to grow your business though? Worth noting is that people love authenticity. In the past, businesses were susceptible to filtered content as they thought funs loved perfection. Are you working with an influencer? Do you allow him to be authentic? Respondents focus on the voice of influencers because that’s what they resonate with.

You want to ensure that the influencers are not verbose and this may adversely affect your product. Try familiarizing your influencer with the journey of your customers and therefore their pain points. Below are some types of videos you can create together with micro-influencers

  • Testimonials and reviews: Think of the last time you went shopping. Did you trust the seller’s recommendations or those of fellow customers? Most sellers are after making a profit. This makes consumers trust recommendations from fellow consumers. With testimonials, you will have more customers connect to your product as they can witness other consumers
  • Captivating video narrative; do you have the story behind your product? Companies derive their values from their founder’s stories. This was the case with Howard Schwartz. He tells the story of the company on different platforms thus reinforcing their values. They do not just sell coffee beans, they sell experience. A video narrative is the greatest platform to do this.

Micro influencers are the greatest needle movers in online marketing. Having a micro-influencer campaign allows you to identify sources of traffic, revenue generated, and return on investment.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.