How to use Social media to Grow Small Businesses

How to use Social media to Grow Small Businesses

Social media is a reliable marketing platform for small businesses in Singapore if you know how to use it. As of 2020, about 5.05 million Singapore citizens had access to social media. This means that millions of people have a chance of viewing your products or services online, which gives excellent exposure and sales increase.

This opens up options for creating brand awareness, building relationships with customers, and even making current and future sales. But, there are ways that you need to use social media to get a positive impact on your business. This article discusses ways to use social media to grow small businesses.

Have a plan

There is a difference between how you use social media like Instagram or Facebook for interactions and how you use it for business. So, it is good to set up your socials to accommodate your business. You need to plan for the name of your online business, how often you will be posting, and even how to run the business online.

A plan goes hand in hand with the goal you want to achieve. For example, if you’re going to earn a given number of followers in a week, post more on the page.

Understand and analyze your competitors

You are not the only person using social media to market the same products or services. This means that you will face massive competition from other related businesses. It is good to learn about your comp

etitors, not to copy how they approach this marketing mode but to up your game. The goal is to be better and unique in marketing your businesses. Therefore, follow your competitors and see what they have done and what they are doing to grow their business. You can use the competitive analysis tool to help you analyze the competitions.

Work with influencers

Social media influencers, also called brand influencers, can help put your brand on the market and increase sales. These are people who solely focus on different marketing businesses, and most people tend to believe them as they create videos that prove the products or services provided by the brands are genuine.

You need to find a brand influencer who markets brands in your industry and check the number of their followers, as the larger following they have, the more awareness they will create for your brand.

Choose the best platforms

As much as some social media platforms are pretty famous, like Twitter, sometimes you may find such platforms do not do well for marketing brands. On the other hand, platforms like Instagram are pretty reliable as most people are on Instagram and accommodate multiple marketing methods, including videos. If you feel Facebook is also an excellent platform to market your business, go for it!


If you are planning to embark on social media to promote your business, these are crucial ways to follow if you want to grow your small business in Singapore. You need to have a good plan, choose the right social platforms, and work with the right people. Keep in mind that the more audience you have, the higher chance of increasing sales. So choose the right social platforms for your business. Continuously learn new ways to push your brand, considering you will face competition from similar brands.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.