IOP vs PHP: Which Treatment Option Is Right for You?

IOP vs PHP: Which Treatment Option Is Right for You?

Nearly half of US adults have a close friend or family member with a current or past drug addiction. Unfortunately, not everyone receives the help they need. If you’re considering treatment for a loved one, consider looking into IOP vs PHP.

What’s the difference between the two programs? Which rehabilitation program best suits your needs? Keep reading to find out.

Understanding the difference between the two will help you or a loved one make a more informed decision. They can start rehabilitation based on specific goals.

Read on to learn more about these two program options today.

What is IOP?

Before reviewing IOP vs PHP, let’s look at each separately. What is intensive outpatient program (IOP) treatment?

IOP offers flexibility as patients overcome substance abuse. This treatment option considers the patient’s work and home life. They can receive outpatient care while managing their sobriety.

Patients can follow a structured schedule to continue working between therapy sessions. Therapy isn’t daily, though. Instead, patients can choose sessions based on their schedule.

Usually, the program requires sessions for 10 to 15 hours a week. Patients can break up the time into multiple sessions. The length of each session and the overall program can vary based on the patient.

Patients can take part in group or one-on-one sessions. They can explore different therapies, too. You can visit to learn more.

What is PHP?

What is partial hospitalization program (PHP) treatment, then?

About 20.7 million people ages 12 and up need substance abuse treatment. Unfortunately, only 4 million people ever receive treatment. PHP is a comprehensive approach to outpatient treatment.

Patients aren’t required to spend nights in a facility. Instead, they can leave at the end of the day to return home or to a sober living facility. PHP is ideal for patients who have a busy home or work schedule.

PHP is also ideal for patients that recently relapsed and require more supportive treatment.

You can access a range of therapies, including one-on-one or group sessions. PHP might take longer than other treatment options, though.

The benefits of PHP can help patients who need to adjust to the transition back into their usual routine.


What’s the difference between IOP and PHP, then?

Both are part-time rehabilitation options. Both will give you access to medications, physicians, and therapists, too. The main difference is the time commitment.

With PHP, you usually need an average of five visits a week. Visits can range between four to eight hours. IOP, on the other hand, requires a minimal time commitment.

When choosing between PHP and IOP programs, consider your time commitment, budget, and lifestyle. Look for facilities that offer customized treatment options, too.

Both forms of treatment can help you adapt to a new lifestyle while maintaining your sobriety.

IOP vs PHP: Finding the Program That’s Best For You

To recap, what’s the difference between IOP vs PHP treatment? The main difference is the time commitment. You can choose a program based on your needs and goals.

Choosing between these programs could help you remain on the road to recovery.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.