Lawyer Leads: 4 Quick Tips to Get New Clients

Lawyer Leads: 4 Quick Tips to Get New Clients

Did you know that conversion rate optimization (CRO) tools have an average ROI of 223%? You may be wondering how this is important to your law firm or your career as a lawyer. Well, it’s simple — CRO wins clients, and your law firm’s marketing strategy should be taking advantage of that.

With all the competition in your industry, it’s important that you know all the tricks and creative solutions to get new clients. Keep reading for four quick tips that you can start using today.

  1. Optimize Your Website to Increase Conversions 

Lawyer marketing for new leads begins with optimizing your website. You may be focusing all of your efforts on increasing website rankings to improve traffic. While this is important, it’s pointless to have a high volume of traffic coming into a website that doesn’t persuade users to take action.

You need to experiment with different conversion rate optimization tactics, such as re-designing web pages, adding calls-to-action above the fold, and making use of visuals.

  1. Win New Leads With Lead Magnets

So, you have people visiting your site but how do you win them over? Lead magnets are essentially ‘freebies’ that you offer visitors to your site in order to showcase your skills and reputation, build trust and establish communication.

Here’s the catch — the freebie is only offered in exchange for a user’s information. In this way, you capture contact details and build your email list.

A lead magnet may be anything from an eBook to a whitepaper or a free guide and it’s an easy way to step up your small law firm marketing strategy.

  1. Offer Valuable Content 

Legal marketing involves SEO, lead magnets, conversion rate optimization, and more. However, one easy way to win more clients is to be of value to people. You have specialized knowledge that you can share with the general population.

When you’re creating content for your website (which you should be doing), you should have prospective clients’ questions in mind. What do legal clients want to know? The more questions you can answer for people, the longer they’ll spend on your site and the more trustworthy you become.

  1. Leverage Social Media 

Gone are the days where social media platforms were only for teenagers and retirees. These days, every business, entrepreneur, and professional service has an online presence — and it’s important that you do too.

People want to feel like they can trust someone and having a social media presence helps to build that trust. It’s also a fantastic way to establish yourself as a subject matter expert, sharing knowledge and answering prospective clients’ questions on your platforms.

How Will You Get New Lawyer Leads?

There you have it, four simple ways to get new lawyer leads and grow your business. Which of these strategies will you try first? Remember, legal marketing is an ongoing process and includes experimenting with different methods and really listening to what your audience wants.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.