Most Effective Ways To Overcome 2d Animation Problems

Most Effective Ways To Overcome 2d Animation Problems

Animation is a process where different figure/scenes are manipulated to form a moving image. In the early days, animation was very tricky. Since computer technology wasn’t so advanced back then, animators used to draw the figures on a sheet of paper and captured the images to form a moving scene. In short, animation is no child’s play. It requires a serious set of skills and a steady hand in illustration. So, if you are facing some troubles with animation, it is nothing to be worry about. We have created a list of practices/tips that you can employ in your work to improve your animation.

Ever since humans have set foot on this earth, drawings have been a part of our lives. From cave paintings to Mona Lisa to current animations, it keeps on evolving. All things considered, following are a set of practices/tips for you to employ as mentioned above.

  1. Observe real life characters.

The first tip is observation. Animation is all about breathing life into a once inanimate object. Observation is one of the major aspects of custom explainer video .Portraying emotions is crucial as delivering a life like figure is in the best interest of both the animator and the audience. The viewers love pragmatic animations. Start to observe the people in your surroundings, take a deep glance at their way of communicating and interacting with each other. Observing people is equivalent to gold when it comes to preparing 2D animations. When developers are working with a voice-over artist, they often record their facial expression as it massively helps the animators to create a life like figure. Do not be afraid of spending time in observing people as it can be considered a valuable research. But keep in mind to do this with absolute subtlety, you do not want the cops rushing towards your doorstep because someone reported you as a social predator.

  1. Record yourself.

You can never choose a good template for your animation as to how it should play out, your mind is boggling with ideas and a general consensus can only get you so far. So why not just record yourself? Almost all of us have access to a decent video camera in the current decade and most of us have it all the time. So instead of wasting your phone’s potential, why not use it for a good cause? Perform the action you want to execute in your animation, no matter how ridiculous or embarrassing it gets, the end product will give you a general idea. Since you will have the control over the video, you can pause, play, rewind it anytime you want to which will eventually lead to recognizing the subtleties that easily be missed with the naked eye.

  1. Keep it simple.

Compared to 3D animation, 2D animation is not as complex as 3D animation. Visualize the scene you want to make in your head and when you are executing it, make sure not to make it too complicated. If you have provided too much information in a single scene, the overall outcome will be quite confusing as the audience would not know what to digest and you may even end up compromising the pragmaticism of the entire scene. Keep your work simple and authentic, do not inflate your scene with unnecessary movements and introduction of different elements.

  1. Draw your animation several times.

The key to perfect animation is exemplary drawing, and as mentioned before; a steady hand in illustration. Drawing the animations is highly time consuming, and requires maximum efforts. It is not a one-day task so you have to keep in mind that one piece of the project can only be executed once perfected by thorough revision. In simpler words, in order to create good 2D animation, you would have to practice your drawing on a piece of paper over and over again. You cannot master animation quickly; it is a skill that requires the sweat and blood of the animator. And luckily, the rewards are high so you better get to work.

  1. Focus on the feedbacks.

When it comes to mastery over animations, seeking feedback is imperative. Feedbacks would aid you in improving your skills even more. Negative criticism can sometimes backfire depending on the depth but it will also play a hand in recognizing your mistakes. Positive feedbacks are a valuable learning opportunity as it would help you gain the spotlight.

Considering the tips and practices mentioned above, implementing them in your work will result in engaging and memorable that will leave your audience captivated. So why wait? Get started right away and start the new year with the spotlight aiming directly at you.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.