NoBroker Expert Wall Painters Reveal How To Choose Ceiling Paint Colour

NoBroker Expert Wall Painters Reveal How To Choose Ceiling Paint Colour

Every designer is aware that every empty room in a house presents a new chance to exercise your design skills. Every space has a significant area. We are referring to the bare, white ceiling paint colour area that hangs over every one of your meticulously decorated rooms. Even though it is frequently overlooked, this unused area is an essential component of any design plan. Being an experienced wall painter in Mumbai, I always get asked what are the best tops while choosing ceiling paint colour. So, here are some of the best ideas and pointers you need to design a room influencing all sides are provided here.

Tips For Choosing The Best Ceiling Paint Colour

There is undoubtedly more than one method for painting a ceiling. Even if you prefer traditional white, there are a variety of subdued colours to consider. If you want your ceiling to merge in with, match, or contrast with your walls, here are some suggestions for choosing the best ceiling paint colour that would work best with your décor.

Tinted ceiling paint colour designs that match the walls’ colour

You can ensure that it works well with either a deep neutral or a bright hue by tinting the ceiling colour with a tiny quantity of the wall colour. For instance, if your walls are a rich buttery cream, pick a ceiling paint colour idea that has a slight undertone of the same yellow. Unfortunately, there are not many approaches to this. It involves your painter using a can of white ceiling paint design that has been tainted by adding a little amount of your wall paint. However, it can be challenging to predict how the colour will turn out with this technique, and it can require numerous remixes to get it perfect.

White standard ceiling paint colour

The most common choice for ceilings is undoubtedly a bright white paint, and it’s not a bad safe alternative. But it’s not always as easy as buying a couple of cans of uncoloured paint as well as calling it a day to paint your ceiling white. Similar to the walls, a ceiling painted semi-gloss white can provide the illusion of a seamless gallery in rooms with dazzling white walls that don’t have any discernible undertones. If your walls aren’t entirely white, you should consider how the two surfaces’ tones will clash and if your ceiling paint colour ideas ought to be complementary or incongruous.

Matching ceilings to the walls

The most straightforward approach is to paint the ceiling with a colour similar to the walls if they are off-white or another very faint colour. In this illustration, you can see that the ceiling, walls, and furnishings are all the same hue of off-white or the standard ceiling paint colour with a subtle tinge of creamy warmth. The visual emphasis is instead placed on other aspects, such as decorations, architectural features, and artwork, when the walls and ceiling are painted the same colour. This is true even if the walls and ceiling are divided by bright white moldings. The eyes can notice mouldings like skirting boards and cornices, but the ceiling disappears into the background.

Darker ceiling colour paint design than walls

The concept of tinting paints to complement can also be applied in reverse. The dark paint application in the ceiling cove of this dining room draws attention to the architecture and gives the space a cosy atmosphere. However, this accent colour wasn’t picked at random. The colour resembles the wallpaper’s tones and the white of the doors & mouldings. No features clash because the ceiling colour paint design is the same as the barely warm woodwork hue. A highly liveable effect is produced by contrasting the surfaces in darkness but not in a colour undertone. For those who appreciate the idea of installing a dark ceiling paint colour but don’t want to take a significant colour risk, a neutral grey is a fantastic option.


We hope you got ideas and pointers you need to consider when designing a room. By picking the best ceiling paint colour, you might look at many options keeping in mind the total cost to paint the ceiling. Just remember that colour will draw attention when applied to the ceiling, so to keep the space looking polished rather than loud. And if you are looking for a trusted and best wall painter in Mumbai, you can book a free consultation in just a few minutes by visiting 

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.