Normalising the Weird: The Strange But Common Behaviours of Drivers

Normalising the Weird: The Strange But Common Behaviours of Drivers

Most people use driving a car as part of their regular routine. Without giving it much consideration, we hop in, fasten your seatbelts, and fire up the engine. Paying close attention to other drivers, though, can reveal some peculiar behaviours that are actually quite typical on the road. It’s not uncommon for drivers to engage in a wide range of bizarre activities—from talking to themselves to tapping the car’s roof—that are yet widely accepted.

Whether you’re driving an rental car in Orlando or anywhere in the world, a family sedan or a sports car, these habits are universal.As a bonus, they make the time spent behind the wheel more pleasurable and safer.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these peculiar habits.

The “Thank You” Wave

Ever let someone merge in front of you and they waved at you politely? That’s the “appreciate it” hand signal. It’s a common way for motorists to show their gratitude to one another and express admiration for their considerate driving behaviour. This small gesture of goodwill can go a long way towards making our roads safer and more pleasant for everyone.

The Talking to Themselves

Don’t freak out if you see a driver on the highway chatting with themself. Many people use their commute time to engage in internal dialogues, practise public speaking, or simply unload about their day. To an observer, it may seem odd, but talking aloud while driving is a common practice among drivers.

The Pat on the Roof

When leaving their vehicle, do drivers ever pat the top of the car? Some folks have taken to doing this as if to express gratitude to the automobile for transporting them safely to their destination. It’s a sign of appreciation for the comfortable journey and an expression of love for their reliable car. It’s a common practice for certain motorists because they hold fast to the belief that touching the roof brings good fortune.

The Turning Down the Radio

A driver may lower the volume of the radio in order to avoid distractions and focus on the road ahead when searching for an address or navigating an unfamiliar territory. It’s a method for concentrating on a single job with as little interruption as possible. When parking or performing a parallel park, some drivers muffle the radio to better gauge their surroundings.

Adjusting the Rear View Mirror

Have you ever observed motorists making frequent adjustments to their rearview mirrors? It’s an unusual practice, but it’s for the best of road safety. A driver’s ability to see what’s happening behind them depends on his or her ability to keep the rearview mirror in the proper position.

The “I Know This Shortcut” Moment

Everyone here has experienced similar feelings at some point. You’re running late, and you think you know a way to get there more quickly. Using a less travelled path can make you feel like you’re sneaking up on the establishment. Many motorists get a sense of accomplishment when they discover a new, more time- or gas-saving route to their destination.

Talking to Other Drivers

Have you ever been in a car with a driver who seems to wave at every other driver on the road? While it may seem strange, this is a friendly gesture that helps create a sense of community among drivers. It can also help reduce road rage and make the road a more pleasant place to be.

Eating and Drinking While Driving

Although it’s dangerous to eat or drink in the driver’s seat, many people do so anyway. Because of their hectic schedules, long trips, or lack of free time, drivers may need to grab a bite to eat or a drink while on the road. It’s important to make sure that eating and drinking don’t impair your driving, though..

The Head Check

Drivers will often undertake a brief head check before making a lane change or a turn to ensure it is safe to do so. This basic safety measure can help avoid collisions and keep drivers alert to their surroundings. Drivers learn to do this as part of their training, and it’s an important habit to form for staying safe on the road.


As you can see, there are many seemingly unusual behaviours common among drivers. It’s common practice to show gratitude while driving by waving or tapping the car’s roof. The culture of driving includes various practices that may seem strange to passengers.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.