Practical CBD Dosing: How Long Does CBD Take to Work

Practical CBD Dosing: How Long Does CBD Take to Work

There’s a reason why the CBD market is expected to reach $22 billion in value by 2022. This cannabinoid has taken the health world by storm in recent years. While it doesn’t supply the high feeling that comes with THC, it does offer numerous health benefits.

However, despite its popularity, there is still a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the substance. One popular question many people ask is, How long does CBD take to work? Or, how do I find my ideal dosage?

If you want to learn the answer to these questions and more, then you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about practical CBD dosing. That way, you can take the substance with confidence. Let’s get started!

How Long Does CBD Take to Work?

Sadly, there is no simple answer to the question, How long does CBD take to work. This is due to the fact the different products that CBD comes in all have different onset times. Why is this? It’s because our body has different ways of digesting and processing the cannabinoid depending on the method we take.

Let’s start with oil tinctures. This method of CBD ingestion is held under the tongue and absorbed by blood vessels in our mouth. The longer it’s held under the tongue the more quickly it will be absorbed.

However, if you swallow any, then it will take longer to feel the effects. Typically with this type of tincture, you can feel the CBD within twenty to sixty minutes. Next, is edibles and drinks that contain CBD.

This method of consumption takes the longest to feel the effects. This is because it needs to pass through our digestive tract and reach our liver before we feel the effects. As such, it can take one to two hours before you feel it.

Next are topicals and lotions. This method uses the pores in our skin to absorb the substance. It takes between twenty and forty minutes to feel the effects. The last method of consumption is smoking hemp flowers.

If you want to feel the effects instantaneously, then this is the best method for you. The CBD is immediately absorbed by the blood vessels in our lungs. As such, you can feel its effect within thirty seconds to a minute.

How Long Will CBD Last?

The amount of time that CBD will last also depends on the type of product that you take. For example, tinctures can last between two to four hours before you need to take more. Edibles, on the other hand, have a longer lifespan when you take them.

You can usually feel their effects for four to six hours before they go away. Topical products have the longest lifespan when you take them. These types of products last between four to eight hours before going away.

Finally, there’s the shortest-lived CBD product: hemp flower. When you smoke this product you can expect the effects to last for one to four hours before they go away.

What’s the Average Dose of CBD?

There’s no easy answer to this question either. This is because everyone is different when it comes to CBD doses. We can say, that the average dose most people take is between 20 mg and 40 mg. However, it’s important to note that some people take a lot more than that and some people take a lot less.

So what factors affect the amount of CBD you should be taking? First, there’s your size and weight. Larger individuals will need to take more CBD to feel the same effects as smaller individuals.

Next, the condition is severe you treating. For example, people taking CBD for pain typically need a high dosage to feel the pain-relieving properties. In contrast, people taking CBD for stimulation only need a small dose to feel the effects.

Next, there’s your tolerance to CBD. The more you take the substance the less effective it will be over time. As such, you will need to up your dosage to feel the same effects that you felt early on when taking it.

There’s also the potency of the product you are taking. Read the label to find out how strong it is and adjust your dosage accordingly. Lastly, there’s your body chemistry. Everyone is different and as a result some people simply require more of it or less of it to feel its effects.

If you aren’t sure where to start we recommend beginning with a small dose of 2 mg. From there, you can gradually buy 2 to 5 mg each time. Once you reach a level that feels right to you, then you’ve found the optimal dosage for your needs.

Where Can You Purchase CBD?

Now that you know more about CBD dosing you’re probably wondering where you can purchase it. You can purchase CBD both in person locations and through online vendors.

Regardless of which method you choose, it’s important to pick a product that has accurate dosing information. That way, you can take the amount of CBD that works for you without worrying that you took too little or too much.

You can usually verify this by checking that the product has been lab-tested by an objective third party. If you want to learn more about where you can purchase CBD, then make sure to read more here.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you answer the question, How long does CBD take to work? As you can see, CBD has a different effect on everyone. As such, no one dose will work for everyone.

So, start experimenting today so that you can find a dose amount that works best for your specific circumstance.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.