Qualifications For Eb-1 Visa

Qualifications For Eb-1 Visa

The Eb-1 visa is the most desired green card for several reasons. The priority dates for this type of green card are current. This saves many times for applicants who have to wait for less than other visas. There is no requirement for the PERM process, which is complicated and time-consuming. The benefits of an EB-1 visa are not just for the cardholder but also for their spouse and children.

The close family members of EB-1 visa holders are allowed to enter the US legally via E-14 or E-15 immigration status. As a result of these perks, the process of obtaining an EB-1 visa is also complex, and the applicant is subjected to severe scrutiny. However, hiring an EB-1 Visa attorney can assist you in the process and make it easier.

To get the visa, the evidence given by the applicant must meet at least 3 out of 10 eligibility criteria set by USCIS, or the applicant must submit proof of one exceptionally high achievement. 


  • The applicant can show their extraordinary abilities in the areas of science, arts, education, business, or athletics with the help of nationally and internationally acclaimed awards and other recognition.
  • The applicant can show proof of holding memberships in one or multiple associations in their area or field of expertise. The associations must be of high regard as they will be used as a medium to establish the applicant’s outstanding abilities and achievements in the fields of sciences, arts, etc.
  • The applicant can submit solid evidence of high-profile publications of their works in notable magazines, publications of trade, and other sources of media that display public recognition of the applicant’s work.
  • The applicant can also submit proof of being invited to judge others’ works individually or with the help of judging panels.
  • If the applicant has made any significant contributions in the fields of science or business on his own, they can use it as evidence to demonstrate his extraordinary abilities.
  • If the applicant has authored any books or articles for scholarly purposes in his field of expertise, he can also use them as proof.
  • The applicant can give proof of performing essential roles in highly regarded organizations to show their special abilities.
  • If the applicant has a notably high amount of salary or income in his field, it can be used as evidence.
  • If the visa applicant has been mentioned in the published works of other professionals about their contributions to the field, it is also considered good evidence.
  • The applicant can use proof of scientific or scholarly research conducted by them in their field of expertise as proof to show their abilities the applicant. Any good inventions are also welcome.

    An Application for a Visa On Arrival Be Rejected?

    Whilst this is uncommon, there is a risk that a visa on arrival application could be rejected.

    This might happen for one of the following reasons:

    • You don’t meet the requirements for entry
    • Your application wasn’t correctly completed
    • The border officials have a suspicion about your application

    Border officers have the final say over whether you may enter a country or not. They have the right to deny entry to you even if you meet the right requirements for a visa on arrival.

Sonia Awan