Ready for trail,12-years-old girl in England

Ready for trail,12-years-old girl in England

12-years-old girl from England anonyms for illegally using  children’s data will sue tik tok, has ruled if the case goes ahead that the girl’s identity could be kept secret a British court.

In England  12-years-old girl says her personal data tik tok has illegally used.

Commissioner of children, Anne Longfield says tik tok has violated laws of data in the UK an EU, tik tok for uses its video algorithms collect children’s data sequence through maximum views to earn more advertising revenue.

The lawsuit in England and other countries would be aimed at protecting people under the age of 16 who use tic tok.

Tik tok says to protect children his company has ‘’strong policies and children not allowed using the app under the age of 13.

Marisa Lascala

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